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34132 Trieste

Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Qua potrete trovare una selezione delle pubblicazioni accademiche che i nostri ingegneri hanno presentato in conferenze in tutto il mondo. Leggendo queste pubblicazioni potrete ampliare il vostro bagaglio di conoscenze. I riassunti vi permetteranno di dare un rapido sguardo alle tematiche trattate. Se ne avrete il piacere, potete scaricare la pubblicazione oppure contattare direttamente i nostri ingegneri.

Title of applicationLanguageApplicationAutoriYearSource/ConferenceKeywords
Über 25 Jahre Erfahrungen in Deutschland mit geotextilbewehrten Verkehrsdämmen auf weichem Untergrund Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Blume, Dipl.-Ing. K.-H., Hillmann, Dipl.-Ing. R. 2010 31. Baugrundtagung, 03. - 06.11.2010 Dämme auf Pfählen
Zum Langzeitverhalten von Gründungen mit geokunststoffummantelten Säulen Deutsch Wasserbau Küster, V., Raithel, Dr.-Ing. M., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2011 Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein Dämme auf weichem Untergrund; geokunststoffummantelte Säulen
Zum Tragverhalten geokunststoffbewehrter Tragschichten auf vertikalen Traggliedern Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau; Straßen- und Verkehrsbau Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O. 2010 Bautex 2010, Chemnitz Dämme auf Pfählen
Optimierter Einsatz von Geokunststoffen für die Gründung eines 380.000 m² großen Rohstofflagers in Brasilien Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Moormann, Ch., Jud, H. 2009 Geotechnik, Sonderheft 2009 Blockmauer; Dämme auf Pfählen; Dämme auf weichem Untergrund; Tragschichtbewehrung
Geokunststoffbewehrte Bodenkörper auf vertikalen Traggliedern: Erfahrungen beim Bau der Nationalstraße N21 0, Niederlande Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau; Straßen- und Verkehrsbau Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2009 7. Österreichische Geotechniktagung Dämme auf Pfählen; Feldversuch
Schlammteichabdeckungen mit Projektspezifisch Gefertigten Geokunststoffen Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2007 Straßen- und Tiefbau, 5 2007 Schlammbeckenbewehrung; Abdichtungssysteme
Mono- und biaxiale Spannungszustände in geokunststoffbewehrten Erdbauwerken und ihre Bemessungsrelevanz Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2008 Bautechnik Nr. 85 12/2008 -
Geokunststoffe in Lärmschutzbauwerken Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2006 Straßen- und Tiefbau, 12 2006 Blockmauer; Dämme auf weichem Untergrund; Steilböschung/Mauer
Hohe Geogitterbewehrte Böschungen als flexible Lösung in Problematischen Steilhängen: Projekt Trieben-Sunk, Österreich Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Brokemper, Dipl.-Ing. D., Lackner, Dr. K. 2009 FSKGEO -
Projektstudie: Ayla Oasis, Jordanien - Entstehung Einer Lagunenlandschaft mit Geogitterbewehrten Blockwänden Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Al-Bitar, T., Ayasrah, Dr. I. 2011 14. FSKGEO -
Geokunststoffummantelte Säulen: Einflussfaktoren, Nomogramme für den Vorentwurf und Vorstellung eines aktuellen Bauwerks Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Brokemper, Dipl.-Ing. D., Sobolewski, Dr.-Ing. J. 2007 6. Österreichische Geotechniktagung Tagungsbeiträge -
Belastungsversuche an einem 1:1 Modell eines geogitterbewehrten Brückenwiderlagers Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2007 Vorträge zum 14.Darmstädter Geotechnik-Kolloquium -
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Geokunststoffen bei der Renaturierung von Tagebaurestlöchern am Beispiel einer Geokunststoffbewehrten Blocksteinmauer Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Schmidt, Dipl.-Ing. S., Matthes, P., Voigt, Dipl. Ing. A. 2011 FSKGEO -
Geokunststoffbewehrte Gründungspolster auf vertikalen Traggliedern, Bewehrte Stützkonstruktionen, Interaktion Geogitter – Boden Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2015 Sonderheft Geotechnik - 14. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München 2015 vertikalen Tragglieder
Erdfallsicherung mit geosynthetischer Bewehrung - praktische Erfahrungen bei der Planung und Ausführung einer Sicherungsmaßnahme in Stuttgart-Korntal Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Baumbusch, J. 2015 10. Kolloquium "Bauen in Boden und Fels" Erdfallsicherung; Eisenbahninfrastruktur
Geotextile Container und Schläuche zur Entwässerung von Schlämmen: Funktionsprinzip - Abdichtungsmaßnahmen - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten Deutsch Environmental Engineering Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2011 "27. Fachtagung „Die sichere Deponie 2011 – Abdichtung von Deponien und Altlasten mit Kunststoffen“ SKZ - ConSem GmbH, Würzburg und AK GWS Arbeitskreis Grundwasserschutz e. V, Berlin" Sedimente; Schlämme; Entwässerungsschläuche
Geogitterbewehrte Dämme auf pfahlähnlichen Elementen: Grundlagen und Projekte Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2004 Bautechnik pfahlähnlichen Traggliedern
Erdbewehrte Blockwände- System Terrae®- an Widerlagern einer Brücke auf der "Via Baltica" Bel Riga Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau; Straßen- und Verkehrswegebau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Sobolewski, Dr.-Ing. J. 2005 9. K-GEO, München Februar 2005, PR-169 Blockmauer
Zur Berechnung und Ausführung geokunststoffbewehrter "Böschungen" und "Wände": Kommentare und ausgewählte Projektbeispiele Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2005 5. Österreichische Geotechnik Tagung 2005 Steilböschung; Mauer
Erdfallüberbrückungssystem Eisenbahnknoten Gröbers – Zur Bemessung, Ausführungsplanung und Bauausführung Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Elsing, Dipl.-Ing. A. 2003 K-GEO 03, 8. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München/PR 161-1 Erdfallsicherung
Erste Erdfallüberbrückung mit hochfesten Geogittern in Deutschland: Die Geschichte Derb 180 von 1992 bis 2002 Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau; Straßen- und Verkehrswegebau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Thurm, S. 2003 K-GEO 03, 8. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München/PR 161-1 Erdfallsicherung
Synergiepotenziale im Bodenmanagement durch den Einsatz von Geokunststoffen Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Hager, Dipl.-Ing. J., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Hager, Dipl.-Ing. J. 2016 ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt -
Geotextile Schläuche als vielseitige Lösung für Ökologische Wasserbauprojekte Deutsch Umwelttechnik Wiemers, Dipl. - Ing. J., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M. 2016 "39. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2016 „Gewässerentwicklung & Hochwasserrisikomanagement“ " -
Entwässerung von Baugrubenrückständen mit geotextilen Schläuchen Deutsch Umwelttechnik Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Geißler, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2013 RuhrGeoTag Essen -
Geokunststoffbewehrte Stützkonstruktionen mit Betonfacing – eine dauerhafte Alternative im Verkehrswegebau? Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Hortmann, M.Sc. M.-T., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2016 BAUTEX 2016; Chemnitz Betonfacing; Verkehrswegebau
Geokunststoffe zur Sicherung von Verkehrswegedämmen Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Flügge, Dr. agrar. F. 2017 13. Erdbaufachtagung, Leipzig -
Geokunststoffbewehrte Steilböschungen zur Sicherung rutschgefährdeter Hänge - eine flexible Lösung in problematischen Steilhängen: Projektstudie Trieben-Sunk, Österreich Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2010 Felsbaumagazin -
Nachweis der Gebrauchstauglichkeit von geosynthetisch bewehrten Stützkonstruktion Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Retzlaff, Dr.-Ing. J., Lenke, Dipl.-Ing. P. 2012 Bautex -
Geokunststoffe mit EPD (engl. Umwelt-Produkt-Deklaration) – und was nun? Gedanken zur praktischen Umsetzung bei Planung und Ausschreibung Deutsch Allgemein Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2015 Geokunststoffe mit EPD -
High geogrid-reinforced slopes as flexible solution for problematic steep terrain: Trieben-Sunk project, Austria English Earthworks and Foundation Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Fantini, Pierpaolo 2017 4th World Landslide Forum (WLF) 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia Geotextile reinforced wall, landslide, stabilization, steep slope
Erfahrungen mit geotextilen Containern bei der Ufersicherung von Tagebauen bei aufgehendem Wasserspiegel Deutsch Wasserbau Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Flügge, Dr. agrar. F. 2017 10. Freiberger Geotechnik Kolloquium -
Die Anwendung von Geogittern im Deponiebau und dabei besonders zu berücksichtigende Randbedingungen Deutsch Umwelttechnik Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O. 2016 13. Recy & Depotech Konferenz; Leoben; Österreich -
Sicherungsmaßnahmen und Konzepte zur Überbrückung potentieller Erdeinbrüche Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2016 16. Altbergbau Kolloquium; Goslar -
An Innovative Self-Regulating Membrane Foundation System for Embankment Construction on Very Soft Soils English Earthwork and Foundation Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2016 Proceedings Tailings and Mine Waste 2016, Colorado, USA, October 2-5, 2016 -
Pavement rehabilitation with asphalt reinforcement. Validation of the basic parameters for a long term performance English Roads & Pavements Hilpert, D., Elsing, Dipl.-Ing. A., Schroer, Dipl. Ing. S. 2016 GeoAmericas 2016, Miami Beach, USA -
Zum Tragverhalten eines geokunststoffbewehrten Bodenkörpers auf vertikalen Traggliedern: Erfahrungen beim Bau der Nationalstraße N210 zwischen Bergambacht und Krimpen a/d Ijssel, Niederlande Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2016 -
Theory and practical experiences in pavement rehabilitation using asphalt reinforcement grids English Roads & pavement Leite-Gembus, F., Hilpert, D. 2016 Theory and Practical Experiences in Pavement Rehabilitation Using Asphalt Reinforcement Grids -
The use of Geosynthetic reinforced structures working as bridge abutements in Scandinavia and Europe English Earthwork and Foundation Hortmann, M.Sc. M.-T., Theßeling, Dipl.-Ing. B. 2016 NGM 2016, Reykjavik -
Load Capacity of stone columns and geosynthetic encased stone columns during and after seismic excitations English Earthwork and Foundation Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2016 4th International Conference on New Development in Soil Mechancis and Geotechnical Engineering 2-4 June 2016, Nicosia, North Cyprus, pp 463-470 -
Bridge approach on geosynthetic encased columns (GEC) English Earthwork and Foundation Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2016 GeoAmericas 2016, 3rd Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics, 10-13 April 2016, Miami Beach, USA, pp 378-387 -
Longs-term experience with a geogrid-reinforced landslide stabilization English Eathwork and Foundation Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Assinder, P. 2016 Proc. 1st Southern African Geotechnical Conference, Sun City, South Africa -
Mobile Baggergut Entwässerung mit geotextilen Schläuchen - Verdener Großversuch Deutsch Umwelttechnik Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M. 2015 FSKGeo -
History and future of a landfill with Non-common geogrid Reinforcements English Earthwork and Foundation Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Schroer, Dipl. Ing. S. 2015 Geosynthetics 2015, Portland -
Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) as Pile-Similar Foundation Elements: Basics, Specifies, Case Studies English Roads and Pavement Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Schroer, Dipl. Ing. S., Schimmel, MSCE PE L. 2015 40th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, Oakland -
Polyester geogrids as asphalt reinforcement-a sustainable solution for pavement rehabilitation English Roads and Pavement Leite-Gembus, F., Theßeling, Dipl.-Ing. B. 2015 6th International Conference 'Bituminous Mixtures & Pavements', June 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece -
Analyse geotechnischer Problemstellungen mit fortschrittlichen numerischen Methoden am Beispiel einer selbstregulierenden Membrangründung Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2015 Sonderheft Geotechnik - 14. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München 2015 -
Entwicklung, Wirkungsweise und Installation eines aktiven Wandsystems für Geogiterbewehrte Wände Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau Hortmann, M.Sc. M.-T., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2015 Sonderheft Geotechnik - 14. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München 2015 -
Sludge Lagoon covers with geosynthetics: Design and special process techniques English Enviromental engineering Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2015 IAGIG 2015, Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici in Italy -
A geogrid-reinforced landslide stabilization: 20 years passed English Earthworks and Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Plankel, Dipl.-Ing. A., Thomson, G. 2015 The 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 09-13 Nov. 2015, Fukuoka, Japan. OTH 18 -
A landfill with innovative reinforcing solutions: history, experience, solution flexibility/Un ISDN avec solution de renforcment innovante: histoire, expérience, solutions flexible English Earthworks and Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Plankel, Dipl.-Ing. A., Jaramillo, J. 2015 Poceedings of the XVI ECSMGE/Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development/ice publishing, 2015. pp 2679-2685 -
Der Cottbusser Ostsee - Erosionssicherung des Flutungsbauwerkes Deutsch Umwelttechnik Ebbert, M.Sc. S., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M. 2018 41. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2018 „Wasserbauwerke im Bestand – Sanierung, Umbau, Ersatzneubau und Rückbau“ Erosionssicherung, Betonmatte, Tagebaurestraum
Uranium ore treatment tailings ponds remediation: A German case Englisch - Carbone, Dr. Ing. L., Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2018 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul tailings ponds, remediation site, alternative capping, geosynthetic bearing layer
Proof of the effectiveness of asphalt reinforcement and evaluation of the applicability into an existing design method Englisch - Lavasan, Dr.-Ing. A., Zerhouni, M. 2018 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul asphalt reinforcement, overlay rehabilitation, numerical analysis, design method
Design approach for the self-regulating interactive membrane foundation system for embankment Englisch - Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., König, D., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2018 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul Self-regulating interactive membrane foundation, soft soils, centrifuge model tests, numerical analyses, design approach
Relevant properties of geosynthetic reinforcements on the interaction behavior under static and cyclic load conditions Englisch - Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Lavasan, Dr.-Ing. A. 2018 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul adaptability, flexible geogrids, interaction flexibility
Numerical simulation of soil nailed retaining systems with geosynthetic reinforcement as the facing support Englisch - Lavasan, Dr.-Ing. A., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., van Duijnen, Dipl-Ing. P. 2018 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul Numerical simulation, soil nailing, georgic face, support structural element
Analysis of bearing capacity of reinforced retaining structures Englisch - Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2018 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul geogrid, reinforced wall, failure modes, model test, DIC, numerical simulation, hardening soil
Acceleration of chemical degradation of polyester reinforcement products under mechanical stress in high alkaline conditions Englisch - Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Koroliuk, Msc. Phys S. 2018 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul polyester, high pH-value, accelerated degradation, loos of strength
Practical experience with asphalt reinforcing polymer grid and composite airfields English - Leite-Gembus, F., Kaya, Z., Horgan, G.J. 2017 "10th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT 2017), 08-10 August 2017, Hong Kong, China" polymer reinforcement, grid, composite, airfield, resurfacing
Asphalt Reinforcement with Polyester Grids: Practical Experience in Airfields English - Kaya, Z., Leite-Gembus, F. 2017 17th AAPA – International Flexible Pavements Conference, Melbourne, Australia Asphalt reinforcement, Polyester (PET) polymer grid, Pavement rehabilitation, Airfields, Case study
Protezione ambientale e bonifica siti contaminati con geocompositi attivi Italiano Ambiente Simini, Alberto, Thimm, Ms.C. RWTH K. 2019 SiCon 2019; Workshop su: Siti Contaminati -
Parameter to Ensure a Durable Grid-Reinforced Asphalt Pavement English Asphalt Reinforcement Elsing, Dipl.-Ing. A., Leite-Gembus, F. 2019 7th INCONFBMP, Greece -
Remediation Case Study of Uranium Ore Residues Settling Basin English Environmental Engineering Carbone, Dr. Ing. L., Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Schimmel, MSCE PE L. 2019 IFAI Geosynthetics conference, 10.-13.02.2019; Houston, USA -
Common practice and innovations in talings dams using geosynthetic tubes English Earthworks and Foundations; Environmental Engineering Hortmann, M.Sc. M.-T., Breytenbach, M., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M. 2016 International Symposium on "Appropriate technology to ensure proper Development, Operation and Maintenance of Dams in Developing Countries", ICOLD 2016; Johannisburg; Südafrika -
Unieke toepassing dijkstabilisatie met ankers en geotextielen Nederlands Grondwerk en funderingstechniek Brok, Dipl-Ing. C., van Duijnen, Dipl-Ing. P. 2016 Geokunst -
Zum Tragverhalten eines geokunststoffbewehrten Bodenkörpers auf vertikalen Traggliedern: Erfahrungen beim Bau der Nationalstraße N210 zwischen Bergambacht und Krimpen a/d Ijssel, Niederlande Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau 2016 -
Analyse d´un système de fondation adaptif pour les remblais sur sols compressibles par modélation physique et numérique Français Terrassements et fondations Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Schanz, T. 2013 Proc. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris Remblai; sol mou
Conception et construction de murs renforcés par des géogrillesde grande hauteur et sans risberme dans une region montagneuse seismique problématique en Bulgarie Français Terrassements et fondations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Pohlmann, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2013 Proc. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris épaulement; géotextile; géogrilled; béton; analyse de cycle de vie; ACV
Les Materiaux composites dans le génie civil Français Routes et chaussées Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Clement, J-L 1997 Kolloquium an der Schule ENS CACHAN über Baumaterial: 20/21 März 1997 -
Reetancheification du Canal de Jonage Français Travaux hydrauliques Koffler, A. 1995 Rencontres 95 - Rencontres géosynthétiques du CFG -
Fraisage et Recyclage d'une Grille Anti-Fissure en Polyester Haute Ténacité Français Routes et chaussées Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Theßeling, Dipl.-Ing. B. 2011 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2011 - Tours (France) -
Renforcement d'enrobé par une grille anti-fissures polyester - une solution durable illustrée sur chantier Français Routes et chaussées Durand, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Arab, R. 2016 Esprit Marrakech 2016 - Marrakech (Maroc) -
Talus et massif de soutènement Français Terrassements et fondations Arab, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. 2011 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2011 - Tours (France) -
Ouvrages de soutènement en sol renforcé par des géogrilles: retour d'expérience marocaine Français Terrassements et fondations Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. 2002 Congrès marocain des routes (Maroc) -
Influence d'une enduction rugueuse sur les caractéristiques d'un géosynthétique bentonitique Français Environnement Durand, R., Bitaudeau, L. 2017 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2017 - Lille (France) -
Essorage de boues industrielles d'une papeterie au moyen de tubes géosynthétiques Français Environnement Minot, P., Blanvillain, J., Durand, R. 2015 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2015 - La Rochelle (France) -
Evaluation des efforts dans les géosynthétiques par modélisation en déplacement Français Environnement Page, B., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. 2006 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) -
Couverture finale de CSDU: Evaluation numérique simple, optimisation et application concrète à Solesmes Français Environnement Favotti, N., Bourgeois, F., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. 2006 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) -
Remblais de préchargement renforcés par des géosynthétiques à parement souple géotextile Français Terrassements et fondations Durand, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Funfrock, T. 2015 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2015 - La Rochelle (France) -
Remblai renforcé sur inclusions rigides Français Terrassements et fondations Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Paineau, B. 2009 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2009 - Nantes (France) -
Mur de soutènement - Aéroport Paris-Charles de Gaulle Français Terrassements et fondations Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Lac, C., Ulrich, Y. 2009 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2009 - Nantes (France) -
Les merlons renforcés de protection Français Terrassements et fondations Coulon, E., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. 2006 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) -
Routes et glissements de terrains: Apport des géosynthétiques Français Terrassements et fondations Arab, R., Durand, R., Foura, M. 2015 Routes et Matériaux Routiers RMR 2015 - Alger (Algérie) -
Expérience rwandaise dans les ouvrages de soutènement en sol renforcé Français Terrassements et fondations Sakou, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. L., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Arab, R. 2015 Innovative Geotechnics for Africa 2015 - 16ème congrès régional africain de la mécanique des sols et de la géotechnique - Hammamet (Tunisie) -
Etude de l'effication de géogrilles pour prévenir l'effondrement local d'une chaussée Français Terrassements et fondations Bourdeau, C., Billaux, D. 2006 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) -
Une géogrille dans un parc paysager du conseil général du Val de Marne pour se protéger contre les fontis Français Terrassements et fondations Durand, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Gillaud, O. 2006 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) -
Glissements de terrain et apport des géosynthétiques Français Terrassements et fondations Arab, R., Durand, R., Mamouni, R. 2015 Congrès algérien des géosynthétiques ASAG 2015 - Alger (Algérie) -
Expérience rwandaise dans les ouvrages de soutènement en sol renforcé Français Terrassements et fondations Sakou, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. L., Durand, R., Mbessa, M. 2017 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2017 - Lille (France) -
Essorage de sédiments de ports au moyen de tubes géosynthétiques Français Environnement Durand, R., Bitaudeau, L., Roudier, J.-P. 2017 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2017 - Lille (France) -
Les géosynthétiques au service de l’amélioration des sols et de la protection de l’environnement Français Terrassements et fondations Arab, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Zerhouni, M. 2012 2ème colloque sur les Sols Non Saturés et l'Environnement UNSAT 2012 - Alger (Algérie) -
Quelques études de cas de solutions géosynthétiques traitant de glissements de terrain et de pente instable Français Terrassements et fondations Arab, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2013 3ème Conférence Maghrébine en Ingénierie Géotechnique (3ème CMIG) 2013 - Alger (Algérie) -
Routes et glissements de terrains: Apport des géosynthétiques Français Terrassements et fondations Arab, R., Boumezoued, H., Kebah, R. 2017 Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2017 - Lille (France) -
Some case studies of geosynthetic solutions dealing with landslides and unstable slopes in north Algeria English Earthwork and Foundation Durand, R., Arab, R., Boumezoued, H. 2017 GeoAfrica 2017 - Marrakech (Maroc) -
Étude et confortement d’un glissement de terrain : Conception et dimensionnement Français Terrassements et fondations Boumezoued, H., Arab, R., Durand, R. 2017 GeoAfrica 2017 - Marrakech (Maroc) -
Functionality, effectiveness of the asphalt reinforcement grid made of polyester and requirements of the construction sites bases on project examples in Africa English Roads and Pavement Sakou, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. L., Zerhouni, M., Zeh Nko'o, R. 2017 GeoAfrica 2017 - Marrakech (Maroc) -
Construction de la nationale Kigali-Gatuna - Franchissement des marais Français Terrassements et fondations Sakou, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. L., Mbessa, M., Durand, R. 2017 GeoAfrica 2017 - Marrakech (Maroc) -
Esempi di realizzazione di sistemi di drenaggio in applicazioni Geotecniche Italiano Environmental Engineering Fantini, Pierpaolo 2001 Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici -
Fondazioni con colonne di sabbia e geosintetici e recupero di Un’area alla foce del fiume elba Italiano Earthwork and Foundation Fantini, Pierpaolo, Simini, Alberto 2003 Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici -
Analisi della tensione di progetto a lungo termine dei geosintetici impiegati nei rilevati rinforzati Italiano Earthwork and Foundation Russo, Luis Eduardo, Fantini, Pierpaolo 2005 Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici -
Reinforced steep vegetated slope 60 m height for landslide stabilization in Lona-Lases (Trento-Italy) English Earthwork and Foundation Fantini, Pierpaolo 2006 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama -
Road ramps reinforced with geosynthetics in substitution of a traditional design solution English Earthwork and Foundation Russo, Luis Eduardo 2006 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama -
Opere in terra rinforzata: parametri di progetto e realizzazioni in ambito montano ed idraulico Italiano Earthwork and Foundation Fantini, Pierpaolo, Simini, Alberto 2007 Convegno Nazionale AIPIN -
Controllo dell’erosione costiera con geosintetici tubolari di grandi dimensioni Italiano Hydraulic Engineering Fantini, Pierpaolo, Simini, Alberto 2008 Convegno Nazionale di Maratea, Coste: Prevenire, Programmare, Pianificare -
Estabilización del barranco de Massa Martana (Italia) mediante el uso múltiple de geosintéticos Italiano Earthwork and Foundation Russo, Luis Eduardo 2008 Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica -
Overall stabilization of the massa martana's ravine (Italy) through the use of high strength pva geogrids and other geosynthetcs for the optimisation of the hydraulic regime English Earthwork and Foundation Federici, Giuseppe, Comastri, Claudio, Russo, Luis Eduardo 2008 EuroGeo4 -
Segmental retaining walls using lime stabilised soils in the new venice bypass (Italy) English Earthwork and Foundation Carraro, S., Russo, Luis Eduardo, Fantini, Pierpaolo 2008 EuroGeo4 -
Muros segmentales reforzados con geomallas en los terraplenes estabilizados con cal de la nueva autopista de circunvalación de Venecia (Italia) Español Earthwork and Foundation Russo, Luis Eduardo 2008 Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica -
Design Method for Cover Soil Stability of Lined Multi-slope/berm Systems using Continuous Geogrid Reinforcement English Earthwork and Foundation Russo, Luis Eduardo 2008 The First Pan American Geosynthetics Conference & Exhibition Cancun, Mexico -
Submerged barrier for coastal protection application built with tubes in geosynthetics of big diameter in Tuscany – Italy English - Aminti, P., Mori, E., Fantini, Pierpaolo 2010 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil -
Zur Berechnung und Ausführung geokunststoffbewehrter "Böschungen" und "Wände": Kommentare und ausgewählte Projektbeispiele Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau 2005 Vorträge zum 12. Darmstädter Geotechnik-Kolloquium am 17. März 2005 Steilböschung/Mauer
Reinforced very steep wall 23 meters high built on a river bank in an industrial settlement in Lumezzane (Italy) English Earthwork and Foundation Fantini, Pierpaolo 2010 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil -
Reinforced trapezoidal embankment for the protection of a road against an active landslide from the side of a quarry English Earthwork and Foundation Russo, Luis Eduardo, Balducci, M., Fantini, Pierpaolo 2010 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil -
Polyester geogrids as asphalt reinforcement-a sustainable solution for pavement rehabilitation English Roads and Pavement 2015 6th International Conference 'Bituminous Mixtures & Pavements', June 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece -
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Geokunststoffen für den Neubau und die Sanierung von Brückenwiderlagern Deutsch Erd- und Grundbau 2015 GeoResources-Zeitschrift-3-2015 -
Experimental Evaluation of a Polyester Geogrid as an Anti-Reflective Cracking Interlayer On Overlays English Asphalt Reinforcement Montestruque Vilchez, G., Rodrigues, R.M., Montez, F. 2000 Eurogeo 2000 - Second European Geosynthetics Conference -
Design of Geosynthetic Reinforcement for Embankments on Soft Soil Considering the Strength Increase of Foundation Soil due to Consolidation English Embankments on Soft Soils Vidal, D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Queiroz, P.I.B. 2002 7ICG: International Conference on Geosynthetics -
Simulação através do Método dos Elementos Finitos da Inclusão de Geogrelha como Sistema Anti -Reflexão de Trincas Português Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas Vilchez, G. M., Rodrigues, R.M. 2003 IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos -
Aterros Reforçados sobre Solos Moles – A Influência do Tempo nos Parâmetros de Projeto dos Materiais Português Aterros sobre Solos Moles Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Vidal, D. 2002 XII COBRAMSEG: Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica -
Discussion on Limit Equilibrium Analysis Models and Modes for Reinforced Soil Slopes and Walls English Soil Reinforcement Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2003 IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos -
Simplified Estimation and Graphs for Pre-Design of Geosynthetic-Encased Sand or Gravel Columns as Embankment Foundation English GEC - Geosynthetic Encased Columns Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Montez, F., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2003 IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos -
Embankments on Soft Soil Design Considering Time Effects on Geosynthetics and on Soil Properties English Embankments on Soft Soils Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Vidal, D. 2004 Eurogeo 2004 - Third European Geosynthetics Conference -
Stop of Reflective Crack Propagation with the Use of PET Geogrid as Asphalt Overlay reinforcement English Asphalt Reinforcement Montestruque Vilchez, G., Rodrigues, R.M., Nods, Ir. M. 2004 Fifth International RILEM Conference -
High-Strength Geogrids Bridging a Sinkhole: First Project Worldwide Including Renewed Sinkhole Activity English Bridging Sinkholes Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2006 Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica – COBRAMSEG’ 2006 -
Load Tests on a 1:1 Model of a Geogrid-Reinforced Bridge Abutment English Reinforced Wall - Bridge Abutment Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2007 V Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos -
Aplicação de “Georeforços” em Obras Viárias Português Reforço de Solos Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2007 Seminário de Geotecnia do Rio Grande do Sul – GeoRS’ 2007 -
Dique Reforçado com Geogrelha de PVA na Ampliação de Área de Deposição de Rejeitos Quimicamente Agressivos Português Solo Reforçado Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Schmidt, C. Francischetto 2008 COBRAMSEG 2008 - Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Eng. Geotécnica -
Muros de Contenção em Solo Reforçado em Estruturas de Britagem em Mineradoras – Casos de Obras Português Muro de Contenção Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Campos, Gabriel de Oliveira 2008 CBGE 2008 - Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia de Engenharia -
Suelo Reforzado Aplicado a Obras de Estribos de Puentes y Viaductos Español Suelo Reforzado - Estribos de Puentes Forteza, Arturo L., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2009 7º Congreso de la Vialidad Uruguaya -
Procedimentos de Execução e Análise de Pavimentos Experimentais Reforçados com Geossintéticos Português Reforço de Base de Pavimentos Ferreira, Carla Janaina, Vidal, D., Teoro do Carmo, C. 2009 Seminário de Geotecnia do Centro-Oeste -
Diseño de terraplenes reforzados sobre suelos blandos: Determinación de la deformación compatible admisible en el refuerzo Español Terraplenes sobre Suelos Blandos Ruiz, E. Fernando, Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Cappadoro, A. P. 2010 Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica 2010 CAMSIG 2010 -
Evaluation of an airport pavement after almost 8 years of overlay rehabilitation with a polyester geogrid asphalt reinforcement English Asphalt Reinforcement Monser, C. A., Montestruque, G.E., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2010 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics (9ICG) -
Muro de Grande Altura Reforçado com Geogrelhas e Face Verde Envelopada Português Solo Reforçado Brugger, Paulo J., Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Hemsi, Paulo S. 2011 VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos -
Projeto de Aterros Reforçados sobre Solos Moles: Determinação da Deformação de Compatibilidade Admissível no Reforço Português Aterros sobre Solos Moles Blanco, E. F. R., Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Cappadoro, A. P. 2011 VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos -
Deformation Analysis of a Geogrid-Reinforced Pavement English Base Reinforcement Teoro do Carmo, C., D’Ávilla, C.A., Ruiz, E. Fernando 2012 2nd Panamerican Geosynthetics Conference (GeoAmercias’2012) -
Recent applications of geotextile tubes for sludge and slurry dewatering – Brazil English Sludge Dewatering Guanaes, Eduardo A., Sampaio, Danilo V. 2012 2nd Panamerican Geosynthetics Conference (GeoAmercias’2012) -
Muro de gran altura em suelo reforzado com geomallas y cara vista vegetalizada Español Muro de contenção Ruiz, E. Fernando, Brugger, Paulo J., Schmidt, C. Francischetto 2012 2nd Panamerican Geosynthetics Conference (GeoAmercias’2012) -
Análise do Comportamento de Muro de Contenção Portante em Solo Reforçado a partir de Monitoramento de Campo Português Muro de Contenção - Encontro de Ponte Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Brugger, Paulo J. 2012 XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica (COBRAMSEG 2012) -
Pavimento Delgado Reforçado com Geogrelha, Solução para Vias Urbanas Português Reforço de Base de Pavimentos Teoro do Carmo, C., D’Ávilla, C.A. 2012 18ª RPU – Reunião de Pavimentação Urbana -
Fundación de patios de materiales a través de columnas encamisadas con geotextil y refuerzo geosintético horizontal en suelos de baja capacidad soporte: Experiencia de caso Español Columnas Encamisadas con Geotextil (GEC) Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Schmidt, C. Francischetto 2012 Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica CAMSIG XXI -
Numerical analysis of reinforcement strains at failure for reinforced embankments over soft soils English Embankments on Soft Soils Ruiz, E. Fernando, Hemsi, Paulo S., Vidal, D. 2013 Soils and Rocks Geotechnical Journal, 36(3): 299-307 -
Estabilização de encosta com talude reforçado de 60m de altura em Lona-Lases Português Solo Reforçado Andrade, Emília Mendonça, Fantini, Pierpaolo 2013 Conferencia Brasileira de Encostas - COBRAE -
Estudio de una geogrilla en refuerzos asfálticos a través de la compresión diametral Español Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas Arnau, Daniel Fernández, Ricci, Luis Agustín, Delbono, Hector Luis 2013 XVII Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano del Asfalto (CILA 2013) -
Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) under bridge approaches as a pressure-relief system: Concept, experience, measurements English Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) Schnaid, Fernando, Winter, D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2014 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10ICG) -
Geotextile Encased Columns as a Foundation System: basic concepts, experience, and perspective English Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Jaramillo, J., Arnau, Daniel Fernández 2014 XIV Congreso Colombiano de Geotecnia -
Colunas Encamisadas com Geotêxtil (GEC) sob aterro de aproximação de pontes e viadutos como sistema de alívio de tensões: conceito, experiência, monitoramento Português Colunas Encamisadas com Geotêxtil (GEC) Schnaid, Fernando, Winter, D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. 2014 XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica (COBRAMSEG 2014) -
Restauração de Pavimentos Aeroportuários Sulamericanos com Geogrelha de Poliéster Português Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas Teoro do Carmo, C., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Montestruque, G.E. 2014 43ª RAPv e 17º ENACOR -
Fundación de patios de materiales a través de columnas encamisadas con geotextil y refuerzo geosintético horizontal en suelos de baja capacidad de soporte: Experiencia de caso Español Colunas Encamisadas com Geotêxtil (GEC) Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Arnau, Daniel Fernández 2014 XIV Congreso Colombiano de Geotecnia & IV Congreso Sudamericano de Ingenieros Jóvenes Geotécnicos -
Avaliação da Aderência de Geogrelhas entre Camadas Asfálticas Português Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas Montestruque, G.E., Bernucci, Liedi, Leite-Gembus, F. 2015 XVIII CILA – Congresso Ibero Latianoamericano del Asfalto -
Utilização de Geogrelha de Poliéster na Restauração da Pista Auxiliar de Pouso e Decolagem do Aeroporto de Congonhas Português Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas Teoro do Carmo, C., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Pandolpho, José Renato 2015 44ª RAPv e 18º ENACOR -
Restauração do Pavimento da Rodovia MG-424 com Geogrelha de Poliéster Português Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas Teoro do Carmo, C., Montestruque, G.E. 2015 44ª RAPv e 18º ENACOR -
Evaluación del daño de geosintéticos usados como sistema anti-remonte de fisuras en pavimentos asfálticos Español Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas González-Torre, I., Norambuena-Contreras, José, López-Riveros, C. 2015 XVIII Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano del Asfalto (CILA 2015) -
Muros en suelo reforzado con geomallas con paramento vertical: tres soluciones recientes en ambientes complejos Español Soil Reinforcement Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Arnau, Daniel Fernández 2015 III Congreso Nacional de Geosintéticos (Geosperú 2015) -
Experiencias suramericanas en la rehabilitación de pistas aeroportuarias con geocompuestos para refuerzo del concreto asfáltico Español Recapado Asfáltico Ruiz, E. Fernando, Teoro do Carmo, C., Montestruque, G.E. 2015 Simposio Colombiano de Pavimentos -
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation by Using a High Modulus Polyester Grid as Asphalt Reinforcement English Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas Leite-Gembus, F., Thomson, G., Teoro do Carmo, C. 2016 Eighth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements (Mairepav8) -
Modelos para o Dimensionamento de Pavimentos Reforçados com Geogrelhas Português Reforço de Base de Pavimentos Teoro do Carmo, C., Pereira, G.S., Oliveira da Silva, T. 2016 45ª RAPv e 19º ENACOR (e.g. exhibition xy) -
Recomendaciones generales para la protección de orillas ribereñas y taludes portuarios mediante el uso de encofrado geotextil para hormigonado como alternativa a sistemas de enrocado Español Protección de lechos y revestimiento de margenes Ruiz, E. Fernando, Arnau, Daniel Fernández, Curiel, A. 2016 Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica (XXIII CAMSIG) -
Decoupling stresses from geosynthetic barrier systems, towards extended service life and safety English Veneer stability Carbone, Dr. Ing. L., Breytenbach, M., Ruiz, E. Fernando 2016 Proceedings of Heap Leach Mining Solutions -
Geosynthetic-Reinforced Embankments on Soft Soils: Numerical Analysis of the Strain Mobilization in the Reinforcement During Consolidation Process English Embankments on Soft Soils Ruiz, E. Fernando, Hemsi, Paulo S., Vidal, D. 2016 GeoAmericas 2016 -
Tres casos de estudio de terraplenes sobre suelos blandos fundados en columnas granulares encamisadas con geotextil Español GEC - Geosynthetic Encased Columns Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Thomson, G., Ruiz, E. Fernando 2016 XV Congreso Colombiano de Geotecnia -
Aplicação de Geoformas Lineares para Alteamento de Célula de Disposição de Cinzas Provenientes de Usina Termelétrica Português Dessecagem de lodos Andrade, Emília Mendonça, Guanaes, Eduardo A., Vertematti, José Carlos 2016 XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica -
Comparação de Diferentes Metodologias de Análise de Estabilidade Global de um Aterro Sobre Solo Melhorado com Colunas Granulares Encamisadas com Geossintético Português Colunas Encamisadas com Geotêxtil (GEC) Araújo, Thiago Ordonho, Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Brugger, Paulo J. 2016 XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica -
Geocompositi bentonitici: controlli e prestazioni idrauliche a lungo termine Italiano Environmental Engineering Simini, Alberto 2014 (e.g. exhibition xy) RemTech -
Bridging embedded pipelines: some options and recent tests English Earthworks & Foundations Fantini, Pierpaolo, Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2017 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering -
Polyester asphalt reinforcement grids - the answer to reflective cracking and the basis for sustainable road maintenance English Asphalt Reinforcement Hessing, Dipl.-Ing. C., Theßeling, Dipl.-Ing. B. 2013 28th International Baltic Road Conference -
Geogrid-reinforced bridge abutments: report on a full scale test and executed projects English Reinforcement Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Thomson, G. 2013 18th SEAGC -
An Introduction to Ground Improvement using Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) English Environmental Engineering Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Küster, V., Assinder, P. 2011 15th Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Maputo, Mozambique, 18 - 21 July 2011 -
GEO12-FW-013-HighGeogrid-reinforced Walls with a Flexible Stone-filled Facing in a Mountainous Seismic Region English Environmental Engineering Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2012 Second Pan-American Geosynthetics Conference GeoAmericas 2012, Lima, Perú, May 2012. Paper No GEO12-FW-013. -
Dynamic behavior of geogrid reinforced segmental block walls under earthquake loads English Earthworks and Foundation Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Guler, Prof. E., Basbug, Ph.D. Student E. 2011 5th ICEGE, Santiago, Chile, Januar 2011. Paper No 11.2 Geogrid-reinforced soil, Reinforced block wall, Shaking table test
Fatigue behaviour of a PET-Geogrid under cyclic loading English Earthworks and Foundations Zanzinger, H., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2010 Journal "Geotextiles and Geomembranes", Vol. 28, Iss. 3, June 2010 Geogrid, Cyclic loading, Stress-cycle-diagram, Damage-line
Foundation of a Coal/Coke Stockyard on Soft Soil with Geotextile Encased Columns and Horizontal Reinforcement English Environmental Engineering Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2009 Geotechniek, October 2009, Special Edition 17th ICSMGE -
Reinforced Earth Structures to Relieve Walls of Earth Pressure English Earthworks & Foundations Raithel, Dr.-Ing. M., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2014 10th ICG, Berlin Earth pressure relief, geotextile reinforced wall, deformation behavior
Analytical and numerical analyses of a real scaled geogrid reinforced bridge abutment loading test English Earthworks & Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. 2008 EuroGeo 4, Edinburgh, September 2008. Paper No 257 back analysis, bridge abutment, design method, finite element, full-scale test, geogrid reinforcement
15 years of experience with geotextile encased granular columns as foundation system English Earthworks and Foundation Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Raithel, Dr.-Ing. M., Küster, V. 2012 ISSMGE-TC 211 International Symposium on Ground Improvement IS-GI, Brüssel, 31 May- 1 June 2012 -
Flexible high modulus geogrids used as tie-back anchors for retaining structures English Earthworks & Foundations Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Wehrli, E. 2008 11th Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference, Gdansk, Poland -
Innovative Applications of Geogrids as Tie-Back Anchors for Vertical Walls English Earthworks & Foundations Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Wehrli, E., Cejka, A. 2008 EuroGeo 4, Edingburgh anchor, bridge abutment, geogrid reinforcement, geotechnical engineering, innovative technologies, retaining structures
Centrifuge modeling of an adaptive foundation system for embankments on soft soils English Environmental Engineering Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., König, D., Schanz, T. 2012 Eurofuge Delft Sand hooper, adaptive foundation system, embankment, geogrid, sheet pile walls
Physical and Numerical Analyses of a Geogrid-Reinforced Soil System for Bridge Abutments English Earthworks & Foundations Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2010 From Research to Design in European Practice, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 2-4, 2010 -
Analysis of a self-regulating foundation system for embankments on soft soils by means of centrifuge tests and numerical simulations English Earthworks & Foundations Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., König, D. 2014 10th ICG, Berlin geosynthetic reinforcement, foundation system, soft soil, embankment, centrifuge, numerical methods
Geogrid Reinforced Block Walls In Waterfront Projects Under Special Boundary Conditions English Earthworks & Foundations Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Schmidt, C. Francischetto 2012 EuroGeo 5, Valencia -
Biaxial testing of geogrids: recent developments English - Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2008 EuroGeo 4, Edinburgh, September 2008. Paper No.258 -
Special process techniques with project specified geosynthetics for sludge lagoon covers English Environmental Engineering Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Brokemper, Dipl.-Ing. D. 2005 5th International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement - New Horizons in Earth Reinforcement, Kyushu -
German Long-Term Experience with Reinforced Enbankments on Soft Subsoil: Perfonnance and Durability English Earthworks & Engineering Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Blume, Dipl.-Ing. K.-H. 1999 11. Panamerican Conf. On Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering, Foz do Iguassu, BR Embankments, Reinforcement, Long-term-measurements, Soft soils, Durability
Projects and Optimized Engineering with Geogrids from 'Non-Usual' Polymers English - Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Sobolewski, Dr.-Ing. J., Pohlmann, Dipl.-Ing. H. 2000 Euro Geo, 2000 Bologna, second european geosynthetics conference, PR-130-1 -
Geosynthetic Reinforced Slopes: Basics of Design and Some Projects English Earthworks & Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2004 Proc. Indian Conference on Geosynthetics – New Horizons, New Delhi, Oct. 2004. S. 73 – 85 -
Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC): Load Capacity, Geotextile Selection and Pre-Design Graphs English Earthworks & Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Brokemper, Dipl.-Ing. D., Lothspeich, PE S. 2005 Proc. Geo-Frontiers Congress, Jan. 2005, Austin, Texas. -
Ultimate bearing capacity tests on an experimental geogrid-reinforced vertical bridge abutment without stiffening facing English Earthworks & Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2008 Proc. 5th International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement (IS Kyushu 07), Fukuoka, November 2007. pp. 507 – 512 -
Two reinforced embankments on soft soils: Experience after more than twenty years - Earthworks & Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Blume, Dipl.-Ing. K.-H. 2010 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Guaruja, Brasil, May 2010. pp. 1851-1854 embankments, reinforcement, long-term measurements, soft soils, durability
Analysis of an adaptive foundation system for embankments on soft soils by means of physical and numerical modelling English Earthworks & Foundations Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Schanz, T. 2013 Proc. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013. pp. 907-910 soft soils, embankment, foundation system, geotextile, self-regulating, centrifuge tests, numerical modelling
Geogrid Reinforced Steep Slopes Subjected to Railway Loading – Case Study Eglish Earthworks & Foundations Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Beilke, O., Rahier, A. 2011 GeoRAIL, Internationales Symposium -
Geogrid reinforced railway embankment on piles- Monitaring English Railway Gartung, Dr.-Ing. E., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Bergmair, F. 1996 EuroGeo 1996, 1. European Geosynthetics Conf., NL, PR-064-1 -
Rehabilitation of Water Bodies by Beneficial Re-Use of the Sediments in Geotextile Tubes English Environmental Engineering Geißler, Dipl.-Ing. H., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Röllich, U. 2014 DredgDikes dredged material, Geosynthetics, geotextile tube, flood protection, bank protection, relocation
Geogrid Reinforced Railway Embankment on Piles - Performance Monitoring 1994 - 1998 English Earthworks & Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Gartung, Dr.-Ing. E. 2000 Geotechnics Thailand Geogrids, embankment, piles, railroads, long-term monitoring
The new federal highway (Autobahn) A26 in Germany with high geosynthetic reinforced embankments on soft soils English Earthworks & Foundations 2006 Proc. 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama, Japan, September 2006. pp 912 - 916 Embankment, soft soil, high-strength woven, strain measurements, observation method
Design and construction of geosythetic reinforced “slopes and walls”: commentary and selected project examples English Earthworks & Foundations 2005 Proc. 12th Darmstadt Geotechnical Conference, Darmstadt, Hessen, Deutschland, March 2005. pp. 167-186 -
Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC): Load Capacity & Geotextile Selection English Earthworks & Foundations 2003 Proc. British Geotechnical Association Int. Conf. on Foundations, Dundee, September 2003. S. 81-90. -
Simplified Estimation and Graphs for Pre-Design of Geosynthetic-Encased Sand or Gravel Columns as Embankment Foundation English Earthworks & Foundations 2003 Proc. 4th Brazilian Conference on Geosynthetics (Geosintéticos 2003) - Porto Alegre, Brazil, Mai 2004 -
FEM-Analysis and dimensioning of a sinkhole overbridging system for high-speed trains at Gröbers in Germany English Earthworks & Foundations 2002 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Nice, France/PR-153 -
Bridging a Sink-Hole by High-Strength High-Modulus Geog English Earthworks & Foundations 1997 Geosynthetics '97, Carlifornia -
Long-Term Experience with Reinforced Embankements on Soft Subsoil: Mechanical Behavior and Durability English Earthworks & Foundations Blume, Dipl.-Ing. K.-H., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 1998 6. Int. Conf. on Geosynthetics, Atlanta, US, PR-098-... -
Piled Embankement Design: Methods and Case Studies English Earthworks & Foundations Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2002 Italian Conference on Geosynthetics, Bologna, October 2002. In: L’ingegnere e l’architetto, Special Issue 1-12/2002. S. 32-39 -
Relevant Properties for Reinforcing Products Based on Latest Research and field measurements English - Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Lavasan, Dr.-Ing. A., Schimmel, MSCE PE L. 2016 GeoAmericas 2016, 3rd Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics, 10-13 April 2016, Miami Beach, USA -
Utilizing geotextile tubes to extend the life of a Tailings Storage Facility English Environmental Engineering Assinder, P., Hörtkorn, F. 2016 ASSUGT1st Geotechnical Conference, SAICE, South Africa May 5-6th 2016 -
Geogrid reinforcement in harsh environments: their role in landfill slope veneer stability design and related performance aspects under high temperatures English Environmental Engineering Assinder, P., Carbone, Dr. Ing. L., Breytenbach, M. 2015 Conference Landfill 2015 -
Muri di sostegno flessibili con paramento in pietra nello svincolo stradale di Pasiano di Pordenone Italiano Earthworks & Foundations Tassi, T, Russo, Luis Eduardo, Simini, Alberto 2017 Convegno AGI -
Rilevato paramassi a protezione di sede stradale da frana attiva Italiano Earthworks & Foundations Balducci, M., Regni, Roberto, Russo, Luis Eduardo 2010 Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici -
Impiego del muro segmentale Rockwood® lungo il Passante di Mestre Italiano Earthwork & Foundation Benedetti, A., Cortellazzo, G., Russo, Luis Eduardo 2011 Convegno AGI -
Rinforzo di pavimentazioni con geogriglie in poliestere Italiano Road & Pavement Russo, Luis Eduardo 2011 Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici -
Segmental retaining walls and steep slopes reinforced with PVA geogrids in the energy polo of Massa Martana English Earthwork & Foundation Federici, Giuseppe, Russo, Luis Eduardo, Fantini, Pierpaolo 2013 Design and Practice of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures -
Fondazione di uno stoccaggio di minerali con colonne incapsulate in geotessile tubolare e rinforzi orizzontali Italiano Earthwork & Foundation Russo, Luis Eduardo, Fantini, Pierpaolo, Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. 2014 Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici -
Active Geosynthetic Composites for subaqueous capping English Environmental Engineering Thimm, Ms.C. RWTH K., Simini, Alberto 2017 RemTech -
Copertura di sedimenti contaminati con geocompositi attivi Italiano Environmental Engineering Simini, Alberto 2021 XXXI Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici -
Capping di sedimenti contaminati con geocompositi attivi Italiano Environmental Engineering Simini, Alberto, Niewerth, Dr. S. 2022 SiCon 2022; Workshop su: Siti Contaminati -
Messa in sicurezza del sito contaminato K20 mediante un capping attivo multistrato e multifunzione in geosintetici Italiano Environmental Engineering Simini, Alberto, Niewerth, Dr. S. 2022 SiCon 2022; Workshop su: Siti Contaminati -