Pubblicazioni Scientifiche
Qua potrete trovare una selezione delle pubblicazioni accademiche che i nostri ingegneri hanno presentato in conferenze in tutto il mondo. Leggendo queste pubblicazioni potrete ampliare il vostro bagaglio di conoscenze. I riassunti vi permetteranno di dare un rapido sguardo alle tematiche trattate. Se ne avrete il piacere, potete scaricare la pubblicazione oppure contattare direttamente i nostri ingegneri.
Title of application | Language | Application | Autori | Year | Source/Conference | Keywords | |
Über 25 Jahre Erfahrungen in Deutschland mit geotextilbewehrten Verkehrsdämmen auf weichem Untergrund | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Blume, Dipl.-Ing. K.-H., Hillmann, Dipl.-Ing. R. | 2010 | 31. Baugrundtagung, 03. - 06.11.2010 | Dämme auf Pfählen | » |
Zum Langzeitverhalten von Gründungen mit geokunststoffummantelten Säulen | Deutsch | Wasserbau | Küster, V., Raithel, Dr.-Ing. M., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2011 | Österreichischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein | Dämme auf weichem Untergrund; geokunststoffummantelte Säulen | » |
Zum Tragverhalten geokunststoffbewehrter Tragschichten auf vertikalen Traggliedern | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau; Straßen- und Verkehrsbau | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O. | 2010 | Bautex 2010, Chemnitz | Dämme auf Pfählen | » |
Optimierter Einsatz von Geokunststoffen für die Gründung eines 380.000 m² großen Rohstofflagers in Brasilien | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Moormann, Ch., Jud, H. | 2009 | Geotechnik, Sonderheft 2009 | Blockmauer; Dämme auf Pfählen; Dämme auf weichem Untergrund; Tragschichtbewehrung | » |
Geokunststoffbewehrte Bodenkörper auf vertikalen Traggliedern: Erfahrungen beim Bau der Nationalstraße N21 0, Niederlande | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau; Straßen- und Verkehrsbau | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2009 | 7. Österreichische Geotechniktagung | Dämme auf Pfählen; Feldversuch | » |
Schlammteichabdeckungen mit Projektspezifisch Gefertigten Geokunststoffen | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2007 | Straßen- und Tiefbau, 5 2007 | Schlammbeckenbewehrung; Abdichtungssysteme | » |
Mono- und biaxiale Spannungszustände in geokunststoffbewehrten Erdbauwerken und ihre Bemessungsrelevanz | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2008 | Bautechnik Nr. 85 12/2008 | - | » |
Geokunststoffe in Lärmschutzbauwerken | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2006 | Straßen- und Tiefbau, 12 2006 | Blockmauer; Dämme auf weichem Untergrund; Steilböschung/Mauer | » |
Hohe Geogitterbewehrte Böschungen als flexible Lösung in Problematischen Steilhängen: Projekt Trieben-Sunk, Österreich | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Brokemper, Dipl.-Ing. D., Lackner, Dr. K. | 2009 | FSKGEO | - | » |
Projektstudie: Ayla Oasis, Jordanien - Entstehung Einer Lagunenlandschaft mit Geogitterbewehrten Blockwänden | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Al-Bitar, T., Ayasrah, Dr. I. | 2011 | 14. FSKGEO | - | » |
Geokunststoffummantelte Säulen: Einflussfaktoren, Nomogramme für den Vorentwurf und Vorstellung eines aktuellen Bauwerks | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Brokemper, Dipl.-Ing. D., Sobolewski, Dr.-Ing. J. | 2007 | 6. Österreichische Geotechniktagung Tagungsbeiträge | - | » |
Belastungsversuche an einem 1:1 Modell eines geogitterbewehrten Brückenwiderlagers | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2007 | Vorträge zum 14.Darmstädter Geotechnik-Kolloquium | - | » |
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Geokunststoffen bei der Renaturierung von Tagebaurestlöchern am Beispiel einer Geokunststoffbewehrten Blocksteinmauer | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Schmidt, Dipl.-Ing. S., Matthes, P., Voigt, Dipl. Ing. A. | 2011 | FSKGEO | - | » |
Geokunststoffbewehrte Gründungspolster auf vertikalen Traggliedern, Bewehrte Stützkonstruktionen, Interaktion Geogitter – Boden | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2015 | Sonderheft Geotechnik - 14. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München 2015 | vertikalen Tragglieder | » |
Erdfallsicherung mit geosynthetischer Bewehrung - praktische Erfahrungen bei der Planung und Ausführung einer Sicherungsmaßnahme in Stuttgart-Korntal | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Baumbusch, J. | 2015 | 10. Kolloquium "Bauen in Boden und Fels" | Erdfallsicherung; Eisenbahninfrastruktur | » |
Geotextile Container und Schläuche zur Entwässerung von Schlämmen: Funktionsprinzip - Abdichtungsmaßnahmen - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten | Deutsch | Environmental Engineering | Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2011 | "27. Fachtagung „Die sichere Deponie 2011 – Abdichtung von Deponien und Altlasten mit Kunststoffen“ SKZ - ConSem GmbH, Würzburg und AK GWS Arbeitskreis Grundwasserschutz e. V, Berlin" | Sedimente; Schlämme; Entwässerungsschläuche | » |
Geogitterbewehrte Dämme auf pfahlähnlichen Elementen: Grundlagen und Projekte | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2004 | Bautechnik | pfahlähnlichen Traggliedern | » |
Erdbewehrte Blockwände- System Terrae®- an Widerlagern einer Brücke auf der "Via Baltica" Bel Riga | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau; Straßen- und Verkehrswegebau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Sobolewski, Dr.-Ing. J. | 2005 | 9. K-GEO, München Februar 2005, PR-169 | Blockmauer | » |
Zur Berechnung und Ausführung geokunststoffbewehrter "Böschungen" und "Wände": Kommentare und ausgewählte Projektbeispiele | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2005 | 5. Österreichische Geotechnik Tagung 2005 | Steilböschung; Mauer | » |
Erdfallüberbrückungssystem Eisenbahnknoten Gröbers – Zur Bemessung, Ausführungsplanung und Bauausführung | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Elsing, Dipl.-Ing. A. | 2003 | K-GEO 03, 8. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München/PR 161-1 | Erdfallsicherung | » |
Erste Erdfallüberbrückung mit hochfesten Geogittern in Deutschland: Die Geschichte Derb 180 von 1992 bis 2002 | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau; Straßen- und Verkehrswegebau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Thurm, S. | 2003 | K-GEO 03, 8. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München/PR 161-1 | Erdfallsicherung | » |
Synergiepotenziale im Bodenmanagement durch den Einsatz von Geokunststoffen | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Hager, Dipl.-Ing. J., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Hager, Dipl.-Ing. J. | 2016 | ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt | - | » |
Geotextile Schläuche als vielseitige Lösung für Ökologische Wasserbauprojekte | Deutsch | Umwelttechnik | Wiemers, Dipl. - Ing. J., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M. | 2016 | "39. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2016 „Gewässerentwicklung & Hochwasserrisikomanagement“ " | - | » |
Entwässerung von Baugrubenrückständen mit geotextilen Schläuchen | Deutsch | Umwelttechnik | Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Geißler, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2013 | RuhrGeoTag Essen | - | » |
Geokunststoffbewehrte Stützkonstruktionen mit Betonfacing – eine dauerhafte Alternative im Verkehrswegebau? | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Hortmann, M.Sc. M.-T., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2016 | BAUTEX 2016; Chemnitz | Betonfacing; Verkehrswegebau | » |
Geokunststoffe zur Sicherung von Verkehrswegedämmen | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Flügge, Dr. agrar. F. | 2017 | 13. Erdbaufachtagung, Leipzig | - | » |
Geokunststoffbewehrte Steilböschungen zur Sicherung rutschgefährdeter Hänge - eine flexible Lösung in problematischen Steilhängen: Projektstudie Trieben-Sunk, Österreich | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2010 | Felsbaumagazin | - | » |
Nachweis der Gebrauchstauglichkeit von geosynthetisch bewehrten Stützkonstruktion | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Retzlaff, Dr.-Ing. J., Lenke, Dipl.-Ing. P. | 2012 | Bautex | - | » |
Geokunststoffe mit EPD (engl. Umwelt-Produkt-Deklaration) – und was nun? Gedanken zur praktischen Umsetzung bei Planung und Ausschreibung | Deutsch | Allgemein | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2015 | Geokunststoffe mit EPD | - | » |
High geogrid-reinforced slopes as flexible solution for problematic steep terrain: Trieben-Sunk project, Austria | English | Earthworks and Foundation | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2017 | 4th World Landslide Forum (WLF) 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia | Geotextile reinforced wall, landslide, stabilization, steep slope | » |
Erfahrungen mit geotextilen Containern bei der Ufersicherung von Tagebauen bei aufgehendem Wasserspiegel | Deutsch | Wasserbau | Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Flügge, Dr. agrar. F. | 2017 | 10. Freiberger Geotechnik Kolloquium | - | » |
Die Anwendung von Geogittern im Deponiebau und dabei besonders zu berücksichtigende Randbedingungen | Deutsch | Umwelttechnik | Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O. | 2016 | 13. Recy & Depotech Konferenz; Leoben; Österreich | - | » |
Sicherungsmaßnahmen und Konzepte zur Überbrückung potentieller Erdeinbrüche | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2016 | 16. Altbergbau Kolloquium; Goslar | - | » |
An Innovative Self-Regulating Membrane Foundation System for Embankment Construction on Very Soft Soils | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2016 | Proceedings Tailings and Mine Waste 2016, Colorado, USA, October 2-5, 2016 | - | » |
Pavement rehabilitation with asphalt reinforcement. Validation of the basic parameters for a long term performance | English | Roads & Pavements | Hilpert, D., Elsing, Dipl.-Ing. A., Schroer, Dipl. Ing. S. | 2016 | GeoAmericas 2016, Miami Beach, USA | - | » |
Zum Tragverhalten eines geokunststoffbewehrten Bodenkörpers auf vertikalen Traggliedern: Erfahrungen beim Bau der Nationalstraße N210 zwischen Bergambacht und Krimpen a/d Ijssel, Niederlande | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2016 | - | ||
Theory and practical experiences in pavement rehabilitation using asphalt reinforcement grids | English | Roads & pavement | Leite-Gembus, F., Hilpert, D. | 2016 | Theory and Practical Experiences in Pavement Rehabilitation Using Asphalt Reinforcement Grids | - | » |
The use of Geosynthetic reinforced structures working as bridge abutements in Scandinavia and Europe | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Hortmann, M.Sc. M.-T., Theßeling, Dipl.-Ing. B. | 2016 | NGM 2016, Reykjavik | - | » |
Load Capacity of stone columns and geosynthetic encased stone columns during and after seismic excitations | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2016 | 4th International Conference on New Development in Soil Mechancis and Geotechnical Engineering 2-4 June 2016, Nicosia, North Cyprus, pp 463-470 | - | » |
Bridge approach on geosynthetic encased columns (GEC) | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2016 | GeoAmericas 2016, 3rd Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics, 10-13 April 2016, Miami Beach, USA, pp 378-387 | - | » |
Longs-term experience with a geogrid-reinforced landslide stabilization | English | Eathwork and Foundation | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Assinder, P. | 2016 | Proc. 1st Southern African Geotechnical Conference, Sun City, South Africa | - | » |
Mobile Baggergut Entwässerung mit geotextilen Schläuchen - Verdener Großversuch | Deutsch | Umwelttechnik | Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M. | 2015 | FSKGeo | - | » |
History and future of a landfill with Non-common geogrid Reinforcements | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Schroer, Dipl. Ing. S. | 2015 | Geosynthetics 2015, Portland | - | » |
Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) as Pile-Similar Foundation Elements: Basics, Specifies, Case Studies | English | Roads and Pavement | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Schroer, Dipl. Ing. S., Schimmel, MSCE PE L. | 2015 | 40th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, Oakland | - | » |
Polyester geogrids as asphalt reinforcement-a sustainable solution for pavement rehabilitation | English | Roads and Pavement | Leite-Gembus, F., Theßeling, Dipl.-Ing. B. | 2015 | 6th International Conference 'Bituminous Mixtures & Pavements', June 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece | - | » |
Analyse geotechnischer Problemstellungen mit fortschrittlichen numerischen Methoden am Beispiel einer selbstregulierenden Membrangründung | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2015 | Sonderheft Geotechnik - 14. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München 2015 | - | » |
Entwicklung, Wirkungsweise und Installation eines aktiven Wandsystems für Geogiterbewehrte Wände | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | Hortmann, M.Sc. M.-T., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2015 | Sonderheft Geotechnik - 14. Informations- und Vortragstagung über "Kunststoffe in der Geotechnik", München 2015 | - | » |
Sludge Lagoon covers with geosynthetics: Design and special process techniques | English | Enviromental engineering | Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2015 | IAGIG 2015, Incontro Annuale dei Giovani Ingegneri Geotecnici in Italy | - | » |
A geogrid-reinforced landslide stabilization: 20 years passed | English | Earthworks and Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Plankel, Dipl.-Ing. A., Thomson, G. | 2015 | The 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 09-13 Nov. 2015, Fukuoka, Japan. OTH 18 | - | » |
A landfill with innovative reinforcing solutions: history, experience, solution flexibility/Un ISDN avec solution de renforcment innovante: histoire, expérience, solutions flexible | English | Earthworks and Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Plankel, Dipl.-Ing. A., Jaramillo, J. | 2015 | Poceedings of the XVI ECSMGE/Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development/ice publishing, 2015. pp 2679-2685 | - | » |
Der Cottbusser Ostsee - Erosionssicherung des Flutungsbauwerkes | Deutsch | Umwelttechnik | Ebbert, M.Sc. S., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M. | 2018 | 41. Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2018 „Wasserbauwerke im Bestand – Sanierung, Umbau, Ersatzneubau und Rückbau“ | Erosionssicherung, Betonmatte, Tagebaurestraum | » |
Uranium ore treatment tailings ponds remediation: A German case | Englisch | - | Carbone, Dr. Ing. L., Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2018 | 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul | tailings ponds, remediation site, alternative capping, geosynthetic bearing layer | » |
Proof of the effectiveness of asphalt reinforcement and evaluation of the applicability into an existing design method | Englisch | - | Lavasan, Dr.-Ing. A., Zerhouni, M. | 2018 | 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul | asphalt reinforcement, overlay rehabilitation, numerical analysis, design method | » |
Design approach for the self-regulating interactive membrane foundation system for embankment | Englisch | - | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., König, D., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2018 | 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul | Self-regulating interactive membrane foundation, soft soils, centrifuge model tests, numerical analyses, design approach | » |
Relevant properties of geosynthetic reinforcements on the interaction behavior under static and cyclic load conditions | Englisch | - | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Lavasan, Dr.-Ing. A. | 2018 | 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul | adaptability, flexible geogrids, interaction flexibility | » |
Numerical simulation of soil nailed retaining systems with geosynthetic reinforcement as the facing support | Englisch | - | Lavasan, Dr.-Ing. A., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., van Duijnen, Dipl-Ing. P. | 2018 | 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul | Numerical simulation, soil nailing, georgic face, support structural element | » |
Analysis of bearing capacity of reinforced retaining structures | Englisch | - | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2018 | 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul | geogrid, reinforced wall, failure modes, model test, DIC, numerical simulation, hardening soil | » |
Acceleration of chemical degradation of polyester reinforcement products under mechanical stress in high alkaline conditions | Englisch | - | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Koroliuk, Msc. Phys S. | 2018 | 11th ICG International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul | polyester, high pH-value, accelerated degradation, loos of strength | » |
Practical experience with asphalt reinforcing polymer grid and composite airfields | English | - | Leite-Gembus, F., Kaya, Z., Horgan, G.J. | 2017 | "10th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT 2017), 08-10 August 2017, Hong Kong, China" | polymer reinforcement, grid, composite, airfield, resurfacing | » |
Asphalt Reinforcement with Polyester Grids: Practical Experience in Airfields | English | - | Kaya, Z., Leite-Gembus, F. | 2017 | 17th AAPA – International Flexible Pavements Conference, Melbourne, Australia | Asphalt reinforcement, Polyester (PET) polymer grid, Pavement rehabilitation, Airfields, Case study | » |
Protezione ambientale e bonifica siti contaminati con geocompositi attivi | Italiano | Ambiente | Simini, Alberto, Thimm, Ms.C. RWTH K. | 2019 | SiCon 2019; Workshop su: Siti Contaminati | - | » |
Parameter to Ensure a Durable Grid-Reinforced Asphalt Pavement | English | Asphalt Reinforcement | Elsing, Dipl.-Ing. A., Leite-Gembus, F. | 2019 | 7th INCONFBMP, Greece | - | » |
Remediation Case Study of Uranium Ore Residues Settling Basin | English | Environmental Engineering | Carbone, Dr. Ing. L., Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Schimmel, MSCE PE L. | 2019 | IFAI Geosynthetics conference, 10.-13.02.2019; Houston, USA | - | » |
Common practice and innovations in talings dams using geosynthetic tubes | English | Earthworks and Foundations; Environmental Engineering | Hortmann, M.Sc. M.-T., Breytenbach, M., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M. | 2016 | International Symposium on "Appropriate technology to ensure proper Development, Operation and Maintenance of Dams in Developing Countries", ICOLD 2016; Johannisburg; Südafrika | - | » |
Unieke toepassing dijkstabilisatie met ankers en geotextielen | Nederlands | Grondwerk en funderingstechniek | Brok, Dipl-Ing. C., van Duijnen, Dipl-Ing. P. | 2016 | Geokunst | - | » |
Zum Tragverhalten eines geokunststoffbewehrten Bodenkörpers auf vertikalen Traggliedern: Erfahrungen beim Bau der Nationalstraße N210 zwischen Bergambacht und Krimpen a/d Ijssel, Niederlande | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | 2016 | - | |||
Analyse d´un système de fondation adaptif pour les remblais sur sols compressibles par modélation physique et numérique | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Schanz, T. | 2013 | Proc. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris | Remblai; sol mou | » |
Conception et construction de murs renforcés par des géogrillesde grande hauteur et sans risberme dans une region montagneuse seismique problématique en Bulgarie | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Pohlmann, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2013 | Proc. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris | épaulement; géotextile; géogrilled; béton; analyse de cycle de vie; ACV | » |
Les Materiaux composites dans le génie civil | Français | Routes et chaussées | Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Clement, J-L | 1997 | Kolloquium an der Schule ENS CACHAN über Baumaterial: 20/21 März 1997 | - | » |
Reetancheification du Canal de Jonage | Français | Travaux hydrauliques | Koffler, A. | 1995 | Rencontres 95 - Rencontres géosynthétiques du CFG | - | » |
Fraisage et Recyclage d'une Grille Anti-Fissure en Polyester Haute Ténacité | Français | Routes et chaussées | Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Theßeling, Dipl.-Ing. B. | 2011 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2011 - Tours (France) | - | » |
Renforcement d'enrobé par une grille anti-fissures polyester - une solution durable illustrée sur chantier | Français | Routes et chaussées | Durand, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Arab, R. | 2016 | Esprit Marrakech 2016 - Marrakech (Maroc) | - | » |
Talus et massif de soutènement | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Arab, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. | 2011 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2011 - Tours (France) | - | » |
Ouvrages de soutènement en sol renforcé par des géogrilles: retour d'expérience marocaine | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. | 2002 | Congrès marocain des routes (Maroc) | - | » |
Influence d'une enduction rugueuse sur les caractéristiques d'un géosynthétique bentonitique | Français | Environnement | Durand, R., Bitaudeau, L. | 2017 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2017 - Lille (France) | - | » |
Essorage de boues industrielles d'une papeterie au moyen de tubes géosynthétiques | Français | Environnement | Minot, P., Blanvillain, J., Durand, R. | 2015 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2015 - La Rochelle (France) | - | » |
Evaluation des efforts dans les géosynthétiques par modélisation en déplacement | Français | Environnement | Page, B., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. | 2006 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) | - | » |
Couverture finale de CSDU: Evaluation numérique simple, optimisation et application concrète à Solesmes | Français | Environnement | Favotti, N., Bourgeois, F., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. | 2006 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) | - | » |
Remblais de préchargement renforcés par des géosynthétiques à parement souple géotextile | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Durand, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Funfrock, T. | 2015 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2015 - La Rochelle (France) | - | » |
Remblai renforcé sur inclusions rigides | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Paineau, B. | 2009 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2009 - Nantes (France) | - | » |
Mur de soutènement - Aéroport Paris-Charles de Gaulle | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Lac, C., Ulrich, Y. | 2009 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2009 - Nantes (France) | - | » |
Les merlons renforcés de protection | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Coulon, E., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J. | 2006 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) | - | » |
Routes et glissements de terrains: Apport des géosynthétiques | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Arab, R., Durand, R., Foura, M. | 2015 | Routes et Matériaux Routiers RMR 2015 - Alger (Algérie) | - | » |
Expérience rwandaise dans les ouvrages de soutènement en sol renforcé | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Sakou, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. L., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Arab, R. | 2015 | Innovative Geotechnics for Africa 2015 - 16ème congrès régional africain de la mécanique des sols et de la géotechnique - Hammamet (Tunisie) | - | » |
Etude de l'effication de géogrilles pour prévenir l'effondrement local d'une chaussée | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Bourdeau, C., Billaux, D. | 2006 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) | - | » |
Une géogrille dans un parc paysager du conseil général du Val de Marne pour se protéger contre les fontis | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Durand, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Gillaud, O. | 2006 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006 - Montpellier (France) | - | » |
Glissements de terrain et apport des géosynthétiques | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Arab, R., Durand, R., Mamouni, R. | 2015 | Congrès algérien des géosynthétiques ASAG 2015 - Alger (Algérie) | - | » |
Expérience rwandaise dans les ouvrages de soutènement en sol renforcé | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Sakou, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. L., Durand, R., Mbessa, M. | 2017 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2017 - Lille (France) | - | » |
Essorage de sédiments de ports au moyen de tubes géosynthétiques | Français | Environnement | Durand, R., Bitaudeau, L., Roudier, J.-P. | 2017 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2017 - Lille (France) | - | » |
Les géosynthétiques au service de l’amélioration des sols et de la protection de l’environnement | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Arab, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Zerhouni, M. | 2012 | 2ème colloque sur les Sols Non Saturés et l'Environnement UNSAT 2012 - Alger (Algérie) | - | » |
Quelques études de cas de solutions géosynthétiques traitant de glissements de terrain et de pente instable | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Arab, R., Bruhier, President Ingénieur E.S.T.P. J., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2013 | 3ème Conférence Maghrébine en Ingénierie Géotechnique (3ème CMIG) 2013 - Alger (Algérie) | - | » |
Routes et glissements de terrains: Apport des géosynthétiques | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Arab, R., Boumezoued, H., Kebah, R. | 2017 | Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2017 - Lille (France) | - | » |
Some case studies of geosynthetic solutions dealing with landslides and unstable slopes in north Algeria | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Durand, R., Arab, R., Boumezoued, H. | 2017 | GeoAfrica 2017 - Marrakech (Maroc) | - | » |
Étude et confortement d’un glissement de terrain : Conception et dimensionnement | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Boumezoued, H., Arab, R., Durand, R. | 2017 | GeoAfrica 2017 - Marrakech (Maroc) | - | » |
Functionality, effectiveness of the asphalt reinforcement grid made of polyester and requirements of the construction sites bases on project examples in Africa | English | Roads and Pavement | Sakou, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. L., Zerhouni, M., Zeh Nko'o, R. | 2017 | GeoAfrica 2017 - Marrakech (Maroc) | - | » |
Construction de la nationale Kigali-Gatuna - Franchissement des marais | Français | Terrassements et fondations | Sakou, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. L., Mbessa, M., Durand, R. | 2017 | GeoAfrica 2017 - Marrakech (Maroc) | - | » |
Esempi di realizzazione di sistemi di drenaggio in applicazioni Geotecniche | Italiano | Environmental Engineering | Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2001 | Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici | - | » |
Fondazioni con colonne di sabbia e geosintetici e recupero di Un’area alla foce del fiume elba | Italiano | Earthwork and Foundation | Fantini, Pierpaolo, Simini, Alberto | 2003 | Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici | - | » |
Analisi della tensione di progetto a lungo termine dei geosintetici impiegati nei rilevati rinforzati | Italiano | Earthwork and Foundation | Russo, Luis Eduardo, Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2005 | Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici | - | » |
Reinforced steep vegetated slope 60 m height for landslide stabilization in Lona-Lases (Trento-Italy) | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2006 | 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama | - | » |
Road ramps reinforced with geosynthetics in substitution of a traditional design solution | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Russo, Luis Eduardo | 2006 | 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama | - | » |
Opere in terra rinforzata: parametri di progetto e realizzazioni in ambito montano ed idraulico | Italiano | Earthwork and Foundation | Fantini, Pierpaolo, Simini, Alberto | 2007 | Convegno Nazionale AIPIN | - | » |
Controllo dell’erosione costiera con geosintetici tubolari di grandi dimensioni | Italiano | Hydraulic Engineering | Fantini, Pierpaolo, Simini, Alberto | 2008 | Convegno Nazionale di Maratea, Coste: Prevenire, Programmare, Pianificare | - | » |
Estabilización del barranco de Massa Martana (Italia) mediante el uso múltiple de geosintéticos | Italiano | Earthwork and Foundation | Russo, Luis Eduardo | 2008 | Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica | - | » |
Overall stabilization of the massa martana's ravine (Italy) through the use of high strength pva geogrids and other geosynthetcs for the optimisation of the hydraulic regime | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Federici, Giuseppe, Comastri, Claudio, Russo, Luis Eduardo | 2008 | EuroGeo4 | - | » |
Segmental retaining walls using lime stabilised soils in the new venice bypass (Italy) | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Carraro, S., Russo, Luis Eduardo, Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2008 | EuroGeo4 | - | » |
Muros segmentales reforzados con geomallas en los terraplenes estabilizados con cal de la nueva autopista de circunvalación de Venecia (Italia) | Español | Earthwork and Foundation | Russo, Luis Eduardo | 2008 | Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica | - | » |
Design Method for Cover Soil Stability of Lined Multi-slope/berm Systems using Continuous Geogrid Reinforcement | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Russo, Luis Eduardo | 2008 | The First Pan American Geosynthetics Conference & Exhibition Cancun, Mexico | - | » |
Submerged barrier for coastal protection application built with tubes in geosynthetics of big diameter in Tuscany – Italy | English | - | Aminti, P., Mori, E., Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2010 | 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil | - | » |
Zur Berechnung und Ausführung geokunststoffbewehrter "Böschungen" und "Wände": Kommentare und ausgewählte Projektbeispiele | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | 2005 | Vorträge zum 12. Darmstädter Geotechnik-Kolloquium am 17. März 2005 | Steilböschung/Mauer | » | |
Reinforced very steep wall 23 meters high built on a river bank in an industrial settlement in Lumezzane (Italy) | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2010 | 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil | - | » |
Reinforced trapezoidal embankment for the protection of a road against an active landslide from the side of a quarry | English | Earthwork and Foundation | Russo, Luis Eduardo, Balducci, M., Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2010 | 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Brazil | - | » |
Polyester geogrids as asphalt reinforcement-a sustainable solution for pavement rehabilitation | English | Roads and Pavement | 2015 | 6th International Conference 'Bituminous Mixtures & Pavements', June 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece | - | » | |
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Geokunststoffen für den Neubau und die Sanierung von Brückenwiderlagern | Deutsch | Erd- und Grundbau | 2015 | GeoResources-Zeitschrift-3-2015 | - | » | |
Experimental Evaluation of a Polyester Geogrid as an Anti-Reflective Cracking Interlayer On Overlays | English | Asphalt Reinforcement | Montestruque Vilchez, G., Rodrigues, R.M., Montez, F. | 2000 | Eurogeo 2000 - Second European Geosynthetics Conference | - | » |
Design of Geosynthetic Reinforcement for Embankments on Soft Soil Considering the Strength Increase of Foundation Soil due to Consolidation | English | Embankments on Soft Soils | Vidal, D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Queiroz, P.I.B. | 2002 | 7ICG: International Conference on Geosynthetics | - | » |
Simulação através do Método dos Elementos Finitos da Inclusão de Geogrelha como Sistema Anti -Reflexão de Trincas | Português | Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas | Vilchez, G. M., Rodrigues, R.M. | 2003 | IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos | - | » |
Aterros Reforçados sobre Solos Moles – A Influência do Tempo nos Parâmetros de Projeto dos Materiais | Português | Aterros sobre Solos Moles | Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Vidal, D. | 2002 | XII COBRAMSEG: Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica | - | » |
Discussion on Limit Equilibrium Analysis Models and Modes for Reinforced Soil Slopes and Walls | English | Soil Reinforcement | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2003 | IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos | - | » |
Simplified Estimation and Graphs for Pre-Design of Geosynthetic-Encased Sand or Gravel Columns as Embankment Foundation | English | GEC - Geosynthetic Encased Columns | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Montez, F., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2003 | IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos | - | » |
Embankments on Soft Soil Design Considering Time Effects on Geosynthetics and on Soil Properties | English | Embankments on Soft Soils | Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Vidal, D. | 2004 | Eurogeo 2004 - Third European Geosynthetics Conference | - | » |
Stop of Reflective Crack Propagation with the Use of PET Geogrid as Asphalt Overlay reinforcement | English | Asphalt Reinforcement | Montestruque Vilchez, G., Rodrigues, R.M., Nods, Ir. M. | 2004 | Fifth International RILEM Conference | - | » |
High-Strength Geogrids Bridging a Sinkhole: First Project Worldwide Including Renewed Sinkhole Activity | English | Bridging Sinkholes | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2006 | Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica – COBRAMSEG’ 2006 | - | » |
Load Tests on a 1:1 Model of a Geogrid-Reinforced Bridge Abutment | English | Reinforced Wall - Bridge Abutment | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2007 | V Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos | - | » |
Aplicação de “Georeforços” em Obras Viárias | Português | Reforço de Solos | Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2007 | Seminário de Geotecnia do Rio Grande do Sul – GeoRS’ 2007 | - | » |
Dique Reforçado com Geogrelha de PVA na Ampliação de Área de Deposição de Rejeitos Quimicamente Agressivos | Português | Solo Reforçado | Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Schmidt, C. Francischetto | 2008 | COBRAMSEG 2008 - Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Eng. Geotécnica | - | » |
Muros de Contenção em Solo Reforçado em Estruturas de Britagem em Mineradoras – Casos de Obras | Português | Muro de Contenção | Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Campos, Gabriel de Oliveira | 2008 | CBGE 2008 - Congresso Brasileiro de Geologia de Engenharia | - | » |
Suelo Reforzado Aplicado a Obras de Estribos de Puentes y Viaductos | Español | Suelo Reforzado - Estribos de Puentes | Forteza, Arturo L., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2009 | 7º Congreso de la Vialidad Uruguaya | - | » |
Procedimentos de Execução e Análise de Pavimentos Experimentais Reforçados com Geossintéticos | Português | Reforço de Base de Pavimentos | Ferreira, Carla Janaina, Vidal, D., Teoro do Carmo, C. | 2009 | Seminário de Geotecnia do Centro-Oeste | - | » |
Diseño de terraplenes reforzados sobre suelos blandos: Determinación de la deformación compatible admisible en el refuerzo | Español | Terraplenes sobre Suelos Blandos | Ruiz, E. Fernando, Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Cappadoro, A. P. | 2010 | Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica 2010 CAMSIG 2010 | - | » |
Evaluation of an airport pavement after almost 8 years of overlay rehabilitation with a polyester geogrid asphalt reinforcement | English | Asphalt Reinforcement | Monser, C. A., Montestruque, G.E., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2010 | 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics (9ICG) | - | » |
Muro de Grande Altura Reforçado com Geogrelhas e Face Verde Envelopada | Português | Solo Reforçado | Brugger, Paulo J., Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Hemsi, Paulo S. | 2011 | VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos | - | » |
Projeto de Aterros Reforçados sobre Solos Moles: Determinação da Deformação de Compatibilidade Admissível no Reforço | Português | Aterros sobre Solos Moles | Blanco, E. F. R., Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Cappadoro, A. P. | 2011 | VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Geossintéticos | - | » |
Deformation Analysis of a Geogrid-Reinforced Pavement | English | Base Reinforcement | Teoro do Carmo, C., D’Ávilla, C.A., Ruiz, E. Fernando | 2012 | 2nd Panamerican Geosynthetics Conference (GeoAmercias’2012) | - | » |
Recent applications of geotextile tubes for sludge and slurry dewatering – Brazil | English | Sludge Dewatering | Guanaes, Eduardo A., Sampaio, Danilo V. | 2012 | 2nd Panamerican Geosynthetics Conference (GeoAmercias’2012) | - | » |
Muro de gran altura em suelo reforzado com geomallas y cara vista vegetalizada | Español | Muro de contenção | Ruiz, E. Fernando, Brugger, Paulo J., Schmidt, C. Francischetto | 2012 | 2nd Panamerican Geosynthetics Conference (GeoAmercias’2012) | - | » |
Análise do Comportamento de Muro de Contenção Portante em Solo Reforçado a partir de Monitoramento de Campo | Português | Muro de Contenção - Encontro de Ponte | Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E., Brugger, Paulo J. | 2012 | XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica (COBRAMSEG 2012) | - | » |
Pavimento Delgado Reforçado com Geogrelha, Solução para Vias Urbanas | Português | Reforço de Base de Pavimentos | Teoro do Carmo, C., D’Ávilla, C.A. | 2012 | 18ª RPU – Reunião de Pavimentação Urbana | - | » |
Fundación de patios de materiales a través de columnas encamisadas con geotextil y refuerzo geosintético horizontal en suelos de baja capacidad soporte: Experiencia de caso | Español | Columnas Encamisadas con Geotextil (GEC) | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Schmidt, C. Francischetto | 2012 | Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica CAMSIG XXI | - | » |
Numerical analysis of reinforcement strains at failure for reinforced embankments over soft soils | English | Embankments on Soft Soils | Ruiz, E. Fernando, Hemsi, Paulo S., Vidal, D. | 2013 | Soils and Rocks Geotechnical Journal, 36(3): 299-307 | - | » |
Estabilização de encosta com talude reforçado de 60m de altura em Lona-Lases | Português | Solo Reforçado | Andrade, Emília Mendonça, Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2013 | Conferencia Brasileira de Encostas - COBRAE | - | » |
Estudio de una geogrilla en refuerzos asfálticos a través de la compresión diametral | Español | Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas | Arnau, Daniel Fernández, Ricci, Luis Agustín, Delbono, Hector Luis | 2013 | XVII Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano del Asfalto (CILA 2013) | - | » |
Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) under bridge approaches as a pressure-relief system: Concept, experience, measurements | English | Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) | Schnaid, Fernando, Winter, D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2014 | 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics (10ICG) | - | » |
Geotextile Encased Columns as a Foundation System: basic concepts, experience, and perspective | English | Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Jaramillo, J., Arnau, Daniel Fernández | 2014 | XIV Congreso Colombiano de Geotecnia | - | » |
Colunas Encamisadas com Geotêxtil (GEC) sob aterro de aproximação de pontes e viadutos como sistema de alívio de tensões: conceito, experiência, monitoramento | Português | Colunas Encamisadas com Geotêxtil (GEC) | Schnaid, Fernando, Winter, D., Silva, Msc. Eng. A. E. | 2014 | XVII Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica (COBRAMSEG 2014) | - | » |
Restauração de Pavimentos Aeroportuários Sulamericanos com Geogrelha de Poliéster | Português | Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas | Teoro do Carmo, C., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Montestruque, G.E. | 2014 | 43ª RAPv e 17º ENACOR | - | » |
Fundación de patios de materiales a través de columnas encamisadas con geotextil y refuerzo geosintético horizontal en suelos de baja capacidad de soporte: Experiencia de caso | Español | Colunas Encamisadas com Geotêxtil (GEC) | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Arnau, Daniel Fernández | 2014 | XIV Congreso Colombiano de Geotecnia & IV Congreso Sudamericano de Ingenieros Jóvenes Geotécnicos | - | » |
Avaliação da Aderência de Geogrelhas entre Camadas Asfálticas | Português | Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas | Montestruque, G.E., Bernucci, Liedi, Leite-Gembus, F. | 2015 | XVIII CILA – Congresso Ibero Latianoamericano del Asfalto | - | » |
Utilização de Geogrelha de Poliéster na Restauração da Pista Auxiliar de Pouso e Decolagem do Aeroporto de Congonhas | Português | Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas | Teoro do Carmo, C., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Pandolpho, José Renato | 2015 | 44ª RAPv e 18º ENACOR | - | » |
Restauração do Pavimento da Rodovia MG-424 com Geogrelha de Poliéster | Português | Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas | Teoro do Carmo, C., Montestruque, G.E. | 2015 | 44ª RAPv e 18º ENACOR | - | » |
Evaluación del daño de geosintéticos usados como sistema anti-remonte de fisuras en pavimentos asfálticos | Español | Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas | González-Torre, I., Norambuena-Contreras, José, López-Riveros, C. | 2015 | XVIII Congreso Ibero-Latinoamericano del Asfalto (CILA 2015) | - | » |
Muros en suelo reforzado con geomallas con paramento vertical: tres soluciones recientes en ambientes complejos | Español | Soil Reinforcement | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Ruiz, E. Fernando, Arnau, Daniel Fernández | 2015 | III Congreso Nacional de Geosintéticos (Geosperú 2015) | - | » |
Experiencias suramericanas en la rehabilitación de pistas aeroportuarias con geocompuestos para refuerzo del concreto asfáltico | Español | Recapado Asfáltico | Ruiz, E. Fernando, Teoro do Carmo, C., Montestruque, G.E. | 2015 | Simposio Colombiano de Pavimentos | - | » |
Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation by Using a High Modulus Polyester Grid as Asphalt Reinforcement | English | Sistema anti-reflexão de trincas | Leite-Gembus, F., Thomson, G., Teoro do Carmo, C. | 2016 | Eighth International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements (Mairepav8) | - | » |
Modelos para o Dimensionamento de Pavimentos Reforçados com Geogrelhas | Português | Reforço de Base de Pavimentos | Teoro do Carmo, C., Pereira, G.S., Oliveira da Silva, T. | 2016 | 45ª RAPv e 19º ENACOR (e.g. exhibition xy) | - | » |
Recomendaciones generales para la protección de orillas ribereñas y taludes portuarios mediante el uso de encofrado geotextil para hormigonado como alternativa a sistemas de enrocado | Español | Protección de lechos y revestimiento de margenes | Ruiz, E. Fernando, Arnau, Daniel Fernández, Curiel, A. | 2016 | Congreso Argentino de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería Geotécnica (XXIII CAMSIG) | - | » |
Decoupling stresses from geosynthetic barrier systems, towards extended service life and safety | English | Veneer stability | Carbone, Dr. Ing. L., Breytenbach, M., Ruiz, E. Fernando | 2016 | Proceedings of Heap Leach Mining Solutions | - | » |
Geosynthetic-Reinforced Embankments on Soft Soils: Numerical Analysis of the Strain Mobilization in the Reinforcement During Consolidation Process | English | Embankments on Soft Soils | Ruiz, E. Fernando, Hemsi, Paulo S., Vidal, D. | 2016 | GeoAmericas 2016 | - | » |
Tres casos de estudio de terraplenes sobre suelos blandos fundados en columnas granulares encamisadas con geotextil | Español | GEC - Geosynthetic Encased Columns | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Thomson, G., Ruiz, E. Fernando | 2016 | XV Congreso Colombiano de Geotecnia | - | » |
Aplicação de Geoformas Lineares para Alteamento de Célula de Disposição de Cinzas Provenientes de Usina Termelétrica | Português | Dessecagem de lodos | Andrade, Emília Mendonça, Guanaes, Eduardo A., Vertematti, José Carlos | 2016 | XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica | - | » |
Comparação de Diferentes Metodologias de Análise de Estabilidade Global de um Aterro Sobre Solo Melhorado com Colunas Granulares Encamisadas com Geossintético | Português | Colunas Encamisadas com Geotêxtil (GEC) | Araújo, Thiago Ordonho, Schmidt, C. Francischetto, Brugger, Paulo J. | 2016 | XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica | - | » |
Geocompositi bentonitici: controlli e prestazioni idrauliche a lungo termine | Italiano | Environmental Engineering | Simini, Alberto | 2014 | (e.g. exhibition xy) RemTech | - | » |
Bridging embedded pipelines: some options and recent tests | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Fantini, Pierpaolo, Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2017 | 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering | - | » |
Polyester asphalt reinforcement grids - the answer to reflective cracking and the basis for sustainable road maintenance | English | Asphalt Reinforcement | Hessing, Dipl.-Ing. C., Theßeling, Dipl.-Ing. B. | 2013 | 28th International Baltic Road Conference | - | » |
Geogrid-reinforced bridge abutments: report on a full scale test and executed projects | English | Reinforcement | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Thomson, G. | 2013 | 18th SEAGC | - | » |
An Introduction to Ground Improvement using Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC) | English | Environmental Engineering | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Küster, V., Assinder, P. | 2011 | 15th Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Maputo, Mozambique, 18 - 21 July 2011 | - | » |
GEO12-FW-013-HighGeogrid-reinforced Walls with a Flexible Stone-filled Facing in a Mountainous Seismic Region | English | Environmental Engineering | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2012 | Second Pan-American Geosynthetics Conference GeoAmericas 2012, Lima, Perú, May 2012. Paper No GEO12-FW-013. | - | » |
Dynamic behavior of geogrid reinforced segmental block walls under earthquake loads | English | Earthworks and Foundation | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Guler, Prof. E., Basbug, Ph.D. Student E. | 2011 | 5th ICEGE, Santiago, Chile, Januar 2011. Paper No 11.2 | Geogrid-reinforced soil, Reinforced block wall, Shaking table test | » |
Fatigue behaviour of a PET-Geogrid under cyclic loading | English | Earthworks and Foundations | Zanzinger, H., Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2010 | Journal "Geotextiles and Geomembranes", Vol. 28, Iss. 3, June 2010 | Geogrid, Cyclic loading, Stress-cycle-diagram, Damage-line | » |
Foundation of a Coal/Coke Stockyard on Soft Soil with Geotextile Encased Columns and Horizontal Reinforcement | English | Environmental Engineering | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2009 | Geotechniek, October 2009, Special Edition 17th ICSMGE | - | » |
Reinforced Earth Structures to Relieve Walls of Earth Pressure | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Raithel, Dr.-Ing. M., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2014 | 10th ICG, Berlin | Earth pressure relief, geotextile reinforced wall, deformation behavior | » |
Analytical and numerical analyses of a real scaled geogrid reinforced bridge abutment loading test | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O. | 2008 | EuroGeo 4, Edinburgh, September 2008. Paper No 257 | back analysis, bridge abutment, design method, finite element, full-scale test, geogrid reinforcement | » |
15 years of experience with geotextile encased granular columns as foundation system | English | Earthworks and Foundation | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Raithel, Dr.-Ing. M., Küster, V. | 2012 | ISSMGE-TC 211 International Symposium on Ground Improvement IS-GI, Brüssel, 31 May- 1 June 2012 | - | » |
Flexible high modulus geogrids used as tie-back anchors for retaining structures | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Wehrli, E. | 2008 | 11th Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference, Gdansk, Poland | - | » |
Innovative Applications of Geogrids as Tie-Back Anchors for Vertical Walls | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Wehrli, E., Cejka, A. | 2008 | EuroGeo 4, Edingburgh | anchor, bridge abutment, geogrid reinforcement, geotechnical engineering, innovative technologies, retaining structures | » |
Centrifuge modeling of an adaptive foundation system for embankments on soft soils | English | Environmental Engineering | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., König, D., Schanz, T. | 2012 | Eurofuge Delft | Sand hooper, adaptive foundation system, embankment, geogrid, sheet pile walls | » |
Physical and Numerical Analyses of a Geogrid-Reinforced Soil System for Bridge Abutments | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2010 | From Research to Design in European Practice, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 2-4, 2010 | - | » |
Analysis of a self-regulating foundation system for embankments on soft soils by means of centrifuge tests and numerical simulations | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., König, D. | 2014 | 10th ICG, Berlin | geosynthetic reinforcement, foundation system, soft soil, embankment, centrifuge, numerical methods | » |
Geogrid Reinforced Block Walls In Waterfront Projects Under Special Boundary Conditions | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Schmidt, C. Francischetto | 2012 | EuroGeo 5, Valencia | - | » |
Biaxial testing of geogrids: recent developments | English | - | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2008 | EuroGeo 4, Edinburgh, September 2008. Paper No.258 | - | » |
Special process techniques with project specified geosynthetics for sludge lagoon covers | English | Environmental Engineering | Syllwasschy, Dipl.-lng. O., Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Brokemper, Dipl.-Ing. D. | 2005 | 5th International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement - New Horizons in Earth Reinforcement, Kyushu | - | » |
German Long-Term Experience with Reinforced Enbankments on Soft Subsoil: Perfonnance and Durability | English | Earthworks & Engineering | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Blume, Dipl.-Ing. K.-H. | 1999 | 11. Panamerican Conf. On Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering, Foz do Iguassu, BR | Embankments, Reinforcement, Long-term-measurements, Soft soils, Durability | » |
Projects and Optimized Engineering with Geogrids from 'Non-Usual' Polymers | English | - | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Sobolewski, Dr.-Ing. J., Pohlmann, Dipl.-Ing. H. | 2000 | Euro Geo, 2000 Bologna, second european geosynthetics conference, PR-130-1 | - | » |
Geosynthetic Reinforced Slopes: Basics of Design and Some Projects | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2004 | Proc. Indian Conference on Geosynthetics – New Horizons, New Delhi, Oct. 2004. S. 73 – 85 | - | » |
Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC): Load Capacity, Geotextile Selection and Pre-Design Graphs | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Brokemper, Dipl.-Ing. D., Lothspeich, PE S. | 2005 | Proc. Geo-Frontiers Congress, Jan. 2005, Austin, Texas. | - | » |
Ultimate bearing capacity tests on an experimental geogrid-reinforced vertical bridge abutment without stiffening facing | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2008 | Proc. 5th International Symposium on Earth Reinforcement (IS Kyushu 07), Fukuoka, November 2007. pp. 507 – 512 | - | » |
Two reinforced embankments on soft soils: Experience after more than twenty years | - | Earthworks & Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Blume, Dipl.-Ing. K.-H. | 2010 | 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Guaruja, Brasil, May 2010. pp. 1851-1854 | embankments, reinforcement, long-term measurements, soft soils, durability | » |
Analysis of an adaptive foundation system for embankments on soft soils by means of physical and numerical modelling | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Schanz, T. | 2013 | Proc. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013. pp. 907-910 | soft soils, embankment, foundation system, geotextile, self-regulating, centrifuge tests, numerical modelling | » |
Geogrid Reinforced Steep Slopes Subjected to Railway Loading – Case Study | Eglish | Earthworks & Foundations | Hangen, Dipl.-Ing. H., Beilke, O., Rahier, A. | 2011 | GeoRAIL, Internationales Symposium | - | » |
Geogrid reinforced railway embankment on piles- Monitaring | English | Railway | Gartung, Dr.-Ing. E., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Bergmair, F. | 1996 | EuroGeo 1996, 1. European Geosynthetics Conf., NL, PR-064-1 | - | » |
Rehabilitation of Water Bodies by Beneficial Re-Use of the Sediments in Geotextile Tubes | English | Environmental Engineering | Geißler, Dipl.-Ing. H., Wilke, Dipl.-Ing. M., Röllich, U. | 2014 | DredgDikes | dredged material, Geosynthetics, geotextile tube, flood protection, bank protection, relocation | » |
Geogrid Reinforced Railway Embankment on Piles - Performance Monitoring 1994 - 1998 | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D., Gartung, Dr.-Ing. E. | 2000 | Geotechnics Thailand | Geogrids, embankment, piles, railroads, long-term monitoring | » |
The new federal highway (Autobahn) A26 in Germany with high geosynthetic reinforced embankments on soft soils | English | Earthworks & Foundations | 2006 | Proc. 8th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Yokohama, Japan, September 2006. pp 912 - 916 | Embankment, soft soil, high-strength woven, strain measurements, observation method | » | |
Design and construction of geosythetic reinforced “slopes and walls”: commentary and selected project examples | English | Earthworks & Foundations | 2005 | Proc. 12th Darmstadt Geotechnical Conference, Darmstadt, Hessen, Deutschland, March 2005. pp. 167-186 | - | » | |
Geotextile Encased Columns (GEC): Load Capacity & Geotextile Selection | English | Earthworks & Foundations | 2003 | Proc. British Geotechnical Association Int. Conf. on Foundations, Dundee, September 2003. S. 81-90. | - | » | |
Simplified Estimation and Graphs for Pre-Design of Geosynthetic-Encased Sand or Gravel Columns as Embankment Foundation | English | Earthworks & Foundations | 2003 | Proc. 4th Brazilian Conference on Geosynthetics (Geosintéticos 2003) - Porto Alegre, Brazil, Mai 2004 | - | » | |
FEM-Analysis and dimensioning of a sinkhole overbridging system for high-speed trains at Gröbers in Germany | English | Earthworks & Foundations | 2002 | 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Nice, France/PR-153 | - | » | |
Bridging a Sink-Hole by High-Strength High-Modulus Geog | English | Earthworks & Foundations | 1997 | Geosynthetics '97, Carlifornia | - | » | |
Long-Term Experience with Reinforced Embankements on Soft Subsoil: Mechanical Behavior and Durability | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Blume, Dipl.-Ing. K.-H., Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 1998 | 6. Int. Conf. on Geosynthetics, Atlanta, US, PR-098-... | - | » |
Piled Embankement Design: Methods and Case Studies | English | Earthworks & Foundations | Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2002 | Italian Conference on Geosynthetics, Bologna, October 2002. In: L’ingegnere e l’architetto, Special Issue 1-12/2002. S. 32-39 | - | » |
Relevant Properties for Reinforcing Products Based on Latest Research and field measurements | English | - | Detert, Dr.-Ing. O., Lavasan, Dr.-Ing. A., Schimmel, MSCE PE L. | 2016 | GeoAmericas 2016, 3rd Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics, 10-13 April 2016, Miami Beach, USA | - | » |
Utilizing geotextile tubes to extend the life of a Tailings Storage Facility | English | Environmental Engineering | Assinder, P., Hörtkorn, F. | 2016 | ASSUGT1st Geotechnical Conference, SAICE, South Africa May 5-6th 2016 | - | » |
Geogrid reinforcement in harsh environments: their role in landfill slope veneer stability design and related performance aspects under high temperatures | English | Environmental Engineering | Assinder, P., Carbone, Dr. Ing. L., Breytenbach, M. | 2015 | Conference Landfill 2015 | - | » |
Muri di sostegno flessibili con paramento in pietra nello svincolo stradale di Pasiano di Pordenone | Italiano | Earthworks & Foundations | Tassi, T, Russo, Luis Eduardo, Simini, Alberto | 2017 | Convegno AGI | - | » |
Rilevato paramassi a protezione di sede stradale da frana attiva | Italiano | Earthworks & Foundations | Balducci, M., Regni, Roberto, Russo, Luis Eduardo | 2010 | Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici | - | » |
Impiego del muro segmentale Rockwood® lungo il Passante di Mestre | Italiano | Earthwork & Foundation | Benedetti, A., Cortellazzo, G., Russo, Luis Eduardo | 2011 | Convegno AGI | - | » |
Rinforzo di pavimentazioni con geogriglie in poliestere | Italiano | Road & Pavement | Russo, Luis Eduardo | 2011 | Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici | - | » |
Segmental retaining walls and steep slopes reinforced with PVA geogrids in the energy polo of Massa Martana | English | Earthwork & Foundation | Federici, Giuseppe, Russo, Luis Eduardo, Fantini, Pierpaolo | 2013 | Design and Practice of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures | - | » |
Fondazione di uno stoccaggio di minerali con colonne incapsulate in geotessile tubolare e rinforzi orizzontali | Italiano | Earthwork & Foundation | Russo, Luis Eduardo, Fantini, Pierpaolo, Alexiew, Dr.-Ing. D. | 2014 | Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici | - | » |
Active Geosynthetic Composites for subaqueous capping | English | Environmental Engineering | Thimm, Ms.C. RWTH K., Simini, Alberto | 2017 | RemTech | - | » |
Copertura di sedimenti contaminati con geocompositi attivi | Italiano | Environmental Engineering | Simini, Alberto | 2021 | XXXI Convegno Nazionale Geosintetici | - | » |
Capping di sedimenti contaminati con geocompositi attivi | Italiano | Environmental Engineering | Simini, Alberto, Niewerth, Dr. S. | 2022 | SiCon 2022; Workshop su: Siti Contaminati | - | » |
Messa in sicurezza del sito contaminato K20 mediante un capping attivo multistrato e multifunzione in geosintetici | Italiano | Environmental Engineering | Simini, Alberto, Niewerth, Dr. S. | 2022 | SiCon 2022; Workshop su: Siti Contaminati | - | » |