Stalla sanitaria per vitelli realizzata con il concetto Lubratec per un allevamento sano dei vitelli
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Piazza della Libertá 3
34132 Trieste

Lubratec® Concept

Professional indoor environment concepts from one source

In cattle breeding - and in calf rearing in particular - ideal conditions are crucial from the outset to enable the animals to develop their full potential. This is why we develop barn concepts together with experienced veterinarians and architects and of course you, in order to achieve the best barn climate for your animals. In our Lubratec Concept, all Lubratec systems are coordinated with each other to bring out the maximum in animal health.

Local conditions and the ideas of the owner are already coordinated during the construction of the barn. The positioning of the calf barn and its orientation are also designed in such a way that natural ventilation effects can be used optimally. The management of the calf barn is possible at any time quickly and easily via the Lubratec doors and fronts, even with your machines. Besides wind and weather protection, additional ventilation effects can be achieved depending on the textiles used.

Intelligent coordinated control of all Lubratec systems

Concepts tailored to your needs

Components of the Lubratec Concept

  • More natural light in buildings
  • Continuous air extraction through suction effect
Lubratec light ridge - disegno di coni di luce per un'illuminazione ottimale negli edifici agricoli
  • Improved day-night rhythm
  • Powerful and efficient lighting
Lubratec LED - Disegno del cono di luce per ottimizzare l'illuminazione degli edifici agricoli
  • More fresh air in barns – better environmental conditions
  • Individually adaptable to your needs
Ventilazione avvolgente per vitelli Lubratec con dimensioni massime per un clima ottimale in stalla nell'allevamento dei vitelli
    Optimum size for access by large vehicles
  • Suitable for daily opening and closing
Lubratec Stabitor - Dimensioni massime per uso intensivo e protezione dal vento
  • Suitable for daily opening and closing
  • No locking device needed
Lubratec Folding Front - Massime dimensioni per soluzioni tessili flessibili in agricoltura
  • Continuous fresh air supply directly to livestock
  • Prevention of respiratory illnesses and infections
Lubratec Tube Air - Dimensioni massime per una ventilazione tessile efficiente negli allevamenti di animali

Product benefits

  • Optimal interaction of ventilation, exposure systems and doors
  • Energy-saving automated control
  • Complete solution - everything from one source
  • Individual concept development and close coordination with you

Further information

can be found here