Lubratec - Protezione dagli elementi: Soluzioni di protezione dalle intemperie e dal vento

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of Lubratec®

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Piazza della Libertá 3
34132 Trieste

Animal friendly farming is a
challenge – Lubratec is the solution

The Lubratec brand offers you first-class solutions for the animal-friendly keeping of farm and breeding animals. With our Lubratec products from the areas of weather and wind protection, doors and fronts, light ridges, tube ventilation, large ventilators, stable lighting, mobile barns and pasture shelters you promote the well-being and health of your animals and support species-specific behaviour. Aerogenic infections hardly have a chance.
The durable, robust and high quality solutions are ideal for new construction and retrofitting of cow barns (cattle sheds, dairy barns, calf sheds, bull sheds, etc.), pig sheds, poultry sheds, horse sheds and riding halls as well as for outdoor facilities and machine and storage halls. Our concepts are designed for economical and effective farm management.

Promozione del benessere degli animali attraverso LubratecLubratec sostiene un allevamento rispettoso degli animali - Animazione

Promotion of animal
friendly livestock farming

Aumentare la salute degli animali con LubratecIcona animata per la salute degli animali

of animal health

Creare un clima sano nella stalla con LubratecLubratec crea un clima sano nel fienile - Animazione

Creation of healthy
environmental conditions in barns

Sostegno del comportamento della specie da parte di LubratecLubratec supporta il comportamento specifico della specie - Animazione

of natural behaviour

Semplificazione della gestione del cantiere con LubratecLubratec semplifica la gestione del cantiere - Animazione

of farm management

Soluzioni moderne per le stalle per vacche e bovini da latte in salute

Dairy and cattle farming

Modern cow sheds for healthy dairy cows, cattle, calves and bulls


On a modern dairy and cattle farm, barn ventilation and barn lighting are essential for animal welfare and animal health. Learn how Lubratec solutions in the areas of active and natural ventilation and lighting have a proven positive influence on animal health.

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Soluzioni innovative per il moderno allevamento di suini da Lubratec

Pig farming

Light and airy pigsties for healthy sows, piglets and fattening pigs

In modern pig farming, different demands meet each other. With Lubratec products you have a positive influence on factors of well-being such as stable ventilation, stable lighting and stable management and thus contribute to an improvement of biological mechanisms in your animals.

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Pollai all'avanguardia con le soluzioni Lubratec per galline e galli in salute

Poultry farming

Trendsetting poultry houses and outdoor enclosures for healthy chickens and cocks

Sufficient ventilation and lighting in the poultry house have a positive influence on the health of your animals. Create not only a healthy barn climate, but also learn how Lubratec supports the species-specific behaviour in the outdoor run.

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Sistemi di ventilazione Lubratec per scuderie

Horse management

Professional solutions for horse stables, riding halls, lunging halls and paddocks

In the field of horse husbandry we offer you solutions for animal-friendly horse husbandry and at the same time efficient farm management. Here you will find suitable solutions for the ventilation, lighting and management of your riding stable, riding hall, lunging hall or your riding arena and paddock.

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Soluzioni di sistema Lubratec per biogas e liquami

Biogas & manure

System solutions for biogas and manure

We offer you solutions in the field of manure and liquid storage that comply with all legal requirements regarding odour and emission pollution. In addition, the segment includes options for the storage of water used for leachate, sewage sludge, fire-fighting, rain and process water.

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Livestock environments for
greater animal welfare

Lubratec - Complete solutions

With Lubratec you improve ventilation, lighting and simplify the management of your farm.
By using our ventilation products you actively contribute to animal health by removing harmful gases and dust and avoiding heat stress. With our doors and fronts you can make your farm management more efficient and make it easier to manage the buildings and reduce energy consumption. Products from the lighting range increase the vitality, activity and feed intake of your animals.


The “know how” behind the Lubratec systems

Building on its 150 year plus corporate history, HUESKER  boasts a long and successful track record of innovation in the agricultural sector. We offer wide-ranging solutions in the fields of animal welfare, agricultural technology, biogas, liquid manure and silage protection. Described below are our key service offerings that are designed to simplify your work. Please feel free to talk to us about your needs and let our experts assist you with your requirements.

We will assist you in developing a
feel-good package for your
animals and yourself.