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Piazza della Libertá 3
34132 Trieste
Jackie racconta

Uscite dalla vostra zona di confort!

That's right: Sustainability is on everyone's lips. But without personal initiative, entrenched patterns of behavior rarely change. Together with my colleague, I wanted to make a difference. True to the motto: There is nothing good unless you do it — even in the workplace.

My car, my commute, my office: some things you just don't think about anymore because they've become so self-evident ... and so comfortable. From time to time, however, we should remind ourselves whether our behavior is really environmentally friendly, or whether there is still room for improvement. My colleague Sharone and I used one of these moments to get out of our comfort zone. So, we sat down and collected ideas. The result is a small to-do list that actually requires little effort and yet does not fail to have an effect:

  • we turn off the lights and air conditioning at the end of the day and when not in use
  • we only use the printer when absolutely necessary
  • we use recycled paper - we strive for a hybrid working solution
  • we do not use plastic dishes

No sooner said than done. With a lot of zeal we set about fulfilling our tasks. But would the initial enthusiasm last?

Small steps also lead to the goal

Day after day, we worked strictly according to the program. Soon enough, our new habits became second-nature.

Now, several months later, our ideas are still in force. Of course, I walk to work. The little workout in the morning keeps me fit, and my CO2 footprint also gets leaner. It's only when it's raining that I think about my comfortable car every now and then. But I'm all the happier when I reach the office and have a coffee with Sharone — not from plastic cups, of course.

Actually, it doesn't take much to be a little more environmentally conscious: a good colleague, a small to-do list, and the will to leave your own comfort zone. That's right: small things that still make a difference. And if everyone participated, the world would be a lot greener. For this, you have to not only talk, but stand up ... and, for example, turn off the lights.

Yours, Jackie

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